Sulfur determination by laser ablation high resolution magnetic sector ICP-MS applied to glasses, ap

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaocjs
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Sulfur(S) is an important element for understanding redox processes, ore formation, environmental chemistry, volcanism and climate. Here, we present a method for in situ S concentration measurement by LA-ICP-MS at the50–100 lm length scale using a 213 nm laser ablation set up coupled to a single-collector magnetic sector ICP-MS with high resolution capabilities. Analyses were performed in medium mass resolution(m/Dm = 3000) mode, which allows for the separation of32 S and34S from molecular interferences. S is simultaneously analyzed along with all major and minor elements so that a priori knowledge of an internal standard concentration is not necessary; this allows for in situ bulk analysis of aphyric groundmass in volcanic rocks or other fine-grained samples. The primary limitation in analyzing S by laser ablation was found to be long-term instrumental drift in fractionation of elemental S relative to other elements,presumably due to drift in laser dynamics. A method for correcting for such fractionation over time was implemented.After correcting for such drift, measurements of homogeneous basaltic glasses are reproducible to within 10 % for high concentration samples([500 ppm) and to within 20 % for low concentration samples(200 ppm). The applicability of the method was demonstrated using natural and synthetic glasses, aphyric lavas, and micro-laminated sediments. Sulfur (S) is an important element for understanding redox processes, ore formation, environmental chemistry, volcanism and climate. Here, we present a method for in situ S concentration measurement by LA-ICP-MS at the 50-100 lm length scale using a 213 nm laser ablation set up coupled to a single-collector magnetic sector ICP-MS with high resolution capabilities. Analyzes were performed in medium mass resolution (m / Dm = 3000) mode, which allows for the separation of 32S and 34S from molecular interferences. S is to analyze along with all major and minor elements so that a priori knowledge of an internal standard concentration is not necessary; this allows for in situ bulk analysis of aphyric groundmass in volcanic rocks or other fine-grained samples. S by laser ablation was found to be long-term instrumental drift in fractionation of elemental S relative to other elements, presumably due to drift in laser dynamics. A method for correcting for such fractionation over time was was implemented. After correcting for such drift, measurements of homogeneous basaltic glasses are reproducible to within 10% for high concentration samples ([500 ppm) and to within 20% for low concentration samples ( 200 ppm). The applicability of the method was demonstrated using natural and synthetic glasses, aphyric lavas, and micro-laminated sediments.
炎热的夜晚,往往正是蚊虫肆虐的时候。蚊虫叮咬,一方面会严重干扰人的睡眠,让人难以入睡,另一方面还会传播疾病,给人的健康带来不良影响。很多人怕蚊虫叮咬,便依靠整夜点蚊香来驱赶蚊虫,以获得一个安稳觉。整夜点蚊香,虽然在驱蚊方面有着较好的效果,然而,医学专家却提醒,整夜点蚊香睡觉,会给人的健康带来较大的损害。  蚊香的主要成分是具有杀虫作用的药剂,其中含有苯、苯酚和二甲苯等物质,这些物质都有一定毒性。 
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