求索 拼搏 再创辉煌——南宁市星湖小学

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广西南宁市星湖小学座落在美丽的南湖之滨,创建于1982年秋,现有37个教学班,学生1700人,教职工99人。是一所环境优美、设备完善、师资强、校风正、教风严、学风好的学校。建校二十三年,沐浴改革的春风,伴随“科教兴国”和教育发展的步伐,在党的教育方针指引下,学校明确“追求有智慧的教育,倡导个性化的学习”的办学理念,围绕“发展为本办人民满意学校”的奋斗目标,坚持“关爱每一个孩子,让鲜花和小草都享有阳光”的服务宗旨,崇尚“尊师、好学、诚实、守纪”的精神,提倡“文明、勤奋、活泼、向上”的学风,坚持素质教育,促进学生全面发展。今天,星湖小学“教学有特点、学生有特长、学校有特色”,校园里绿树成行,百花争艳;老师们爱岗敬业,勇于创新;孩子们勤学向上,健康成长;教育教学硕果累累,彰显出“科技教育”的办学特色。学校被评为中国少年科学院科普基地、全国德育实验学校、全国青少年科普教育先进集体、全国雏鹰大队、全国优秀少年军校、全国社区法律学校、全国心理健康教育实验研究先进集体、自治区教育系统文明单位、广西贯彻落实学校体育卫生两个《条例》优秀学校、南宁市先进单位、南宁市文明单位,南宁市德育工作先进单位、南宁市师德建设先进学校,南宁市民族团结进步先进集体、南宁市双拥工作先进单位,连续20年评为区、市科技活动先进集体,是中国少年科学院科普基地、自治区首批青少年科技示范学校。二十三年的求索,二十三年的拼搏,星湖人以高昂的斗志和勇于探索的精神走过了艰辛,创下了辉煌。为教育事业的发展谱写了美好的乐章。 Star Lake Primary School Nanning, Guangxi is located in the beautiful coast of South Lake, founded in the autumn of 1982, the existing 37 teaching classes, 1,700 students, 99 faculty members. Is a beautiful environment, well-equipped, strong teachers, school ethos, teaching style, good style of school. Twenty-three years after the founding of the university, the spring breeze of bathing reform, along with the pace of “rejuvenating the country through science and education” and education, guided by the party’s education policy, the school clearly defined the concept of “pursuing intelligent education and advocating personalized learning” Focusing on the goal of “developing the satisfaction of the people in our office”, we uphold the service tenet of “care for every child, let the flowers and the grass enjoy the sunshine”, and advocate the spirit of “respecting teachers, studious, honest and obedience to discipline” and advocating “Civilized, hard-working, lively, progressive” style of study, adhere to the quality of education and promote the all-round development of students. Today, Star Lake Primary School “teaching has characteristics, students have specialty, the school has the characteristics of” green trees on the campus, flowers blooming; teachers love their jobs, the courage to innovate; children diligently upward, healthy growth; education teaching fruitful, Highlight the educational characteristics of “science and technology education.” The school was named China Science Prize for popular science base, the National Experimental School of moral education, the National Youth popular science education collective, the National Eagles Brigade, the National Excellent young military academy, the National Community School of law, the National Experimental Group of advanced mental health education, education system of autonomous regional civilization Units, Guangxi to implement the school sports health two “Regulations” outstanding schools, advanced units in Nanning, Nanning civilized units, advanced units of moral education in Nanning City, Nanning Teachers College building advanced, Nanning advanced national unity and advanced collectives, Nanning City Shuangyong advanced unit of work, for 20 consecutive years as the district, city advanced science and technology collectives, is the Chinese Academy of Sciences, science base, the autonomous region’s first youth science and technology demonstration schools. Twenty-three years of quests, twenty-three years of hard work, Xinghu people with high fighting spirit and courage to explore the spirit of the difficult, set a brilliant. For the development of education, wrote a beautiful movement.
笔者在多年的作文教学实践中发现,运用古人古事古诗古文进行专项训练,让学生学会从古代选材,借古喻今,以古释今,将古人古事与作文话题巧妙勾连,运用别具一格的写法创新作文,表现题旨,对学生来说是一种切实可行的、有效的作文训练方法。    一、范文引导,感受成功之美    运用高考作文中成功的例子,加以分析,增加学生对运用古人古事进入作文的直观感受,培养学生对此类材料的关注度和敏感度,进而培养学生挖掘古人
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