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黄斑星天牛(Anoploohora nobilis Ganglbauer)是陕、甘、宁等省(区)的重要林木害虫。它对杨树的危害极为严重。近年来,我们在黄斑星天牛防治工作中,发现该虫在七月下旬前后似有集中羽化的现象。为了摸清该虫的羽化规律,为防治提供科学依据,我们对该虫的羽化期进行了野外观察。观察从一九八○年七月七日起至十月二十四日止。观察地点设甘肃省崇信县新窑林场赤城苗圃。东径107°,北纬35°2′。海拔1190米。根据崇信县气象站资料,五月平均气温16.9 Anoploohora nobilis Ganglbauer is an important forest pest in the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. It is extremely harmful to poplar. In recent years, we found that the insects appeared to be concentrated eclosion before and after the end of July in the work of prevention and cure of Astrocytes. In order to find out the law of emergence of the insects and to provide a scientific basis for prevention and treatment, we observed the eclosion of the insects in the field. Observe from July 7, 1980 until October 24. Observation sites located in Gansu Province Chongxin County kiln Akagi nursery. East 107 °, latitude 35 ° 2 ’. 1190 meters above sea level. According to the data of Chongxin County Weather Station, the average temperature in May is 16.9
近十多年来,世界各国越来越重视保护自然界的生态平衡。基于同样的原因,在农业方面,“有害生物的综合治理”(简称IPM),无论在理论上或实践上都逐渐为更多的人所 In the pas
关于美国加州在1980年6月发现地中海实蝇以及他们发动了一次围剿实蝇的战役一事,本刊曾于1981年第3期和第4期上有所报导。 In connection with the discovery by the Unite
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致死中量又叫半数致死量。是指被试验的动物(大白鼠,小白鼠等)一次口服某药剂后,产生急性中毒有半数死亡所需要该药剂的量,通常用 LDS。来表示。称,故折数,其单因被试验的动
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