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西洋参又名美国人参、花旗参、西参、洋参等,因最早由广州进口,又称广州人参。原产北美洲,多生于落叶阔叶林内,美国和加拿大均有野生与栽培。西洋参为五加科人参属多年生草本植物,形态与中国人参相似,只是较为矮壮,叶片稍大而略圆,叶缘锯齿较深,叶脉较粗有刺毛,根纺锤形。药用其根,味苦微甘,性凉无毒,具有消炎、解热、清虚火、生津止渴等功效。我国药用进口已有200多年的历史。西洋参喜欢夏季凉爽、冬季温和、四季湿润、雨量充沛的气候条件,其栽培的技术要点如下: American ginseng, also known as American ginseng, American ginseng, Western ginseng, ginseng, etc., because of the earliest imported from Guangzhou, also known as Guangzhou ginseng. Native North America, born in deciduous broad-leaved forest, the United States and Canada have wild and cultivated. Panax quinquefolius is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Wakan and its morphology is similar to that of the Chinese ginseng. It is relatively short and strong with slightly larger and slightly rounded leaves, deeper serrated edges, thicker and bristle veins and spindle spindles. Medicinal roots, bitter taste slightly sweet, cool and non-toxic, with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, Qingxu fire, thirst and other effects of fluid. China’s pharmaceutical imports have more than 200 years of history. American ginseng like summer cool, mild winter, wet seasons, abundant rainfall climate, the cultivation of the technical points are as follows:
目的:  探讨自噬在二甲双胍诱导的垂体泌乳素瘤细胞凋亡中作用。  方法:  不同浓度的二甲双胍处理MMQ细胞不同的时间后,CCK-8法检测二甲双胍对细胞增殖的影响,流式细胞术检
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