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颈椎病,是指颈椎骨质增生,颈项韧带钙化,颈椎间盘萎缩退化所引起的劳损,影响到颈部神经根、颈部脊髓,或主要血管,所出现的颈肩痛呈肩背痛麻木为主要症状的一组症状,多发生于中老年人,或长期低头工作的人如文案、牙科医生、理发师、雕刻人员等的发病率较高。 肩周炎,因好发于50岁左右的患者,故有“五十肩”之称,主要表现为肩部疼痛,肩关节活动范围受限,夜间疼痛明显,往往一侧先得,尔后另一侧又得,常因外伤或劳累而诱发。 (辨认病症) Cervical spondylosis refers to cervical spondylosis, calcification of cervical ligaments, and strain caused by degeneration of cervical intervertebral discs. It affects the cervical nerve roots, cervical spinal cord, or major blood vessels. The neck and shoulder pains presented are shoulder pain and numbness. The set of symptoms of the main symptoms mostly occurs in the middle-aged and elderly people, or the incidence of long-term bowing work such as copywriters, dentists, hairdressers, and sculptors is high. Periarthritis of the shoulder is known as the “fifty shoulder” because it occurs in patients around the age of 50. It is mainly characterized by pain in the shoulders, restricted range of motion of the shoulder joints, obvious pain at night, often on one side and then on the other side. Again, often induced by injury or fatigue. (Identify illness)
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My good friend is Yang. Do you know why? Because she truly cares about me, that’s important to me. Also, she is a good listener. When I have trouble, I always tell her. Then she reaches for my hand an
佛手为常用中药,早在《本草纲目》中就有记载,其功效为舒肝理气、和胃止痛。来源于芸香科植物佛手Citrus medical L.var.sarcodactylis Swingle的干燥果实。秋季果实尚未变