高彤彤 弦动人生

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在京城北二环边一座幽静的大院内,绿荫掩映的深处,时常会传出悠扬的小提琴声,在大多数时间里,没有人注意到这个房间的主人。如果你推门而入,很快便可以猜出主人的身份——墙上挂着各种小提琴的模具以及著名制琴大师的作品照片,其中,有一张意大利克雷莫纳国际提琴制作学校的毕业照格外显眼,10几个年轻人露出充满朝气的笑容。这之中,只有一个中国人,他便是高彤彤——这间工作室的主人 In the secluded courtyard of the northern Second Ring Road in the capital, the deep shade of the shade often leads to melodious violins, and for most of the time no one notices the owner of this room. If you push the door, you can quickly guess the identity of the owner - a variety of violins hanging on the wall molds and the famous master piano works photos, of which there is an international violin making school in Cremona, Italy Graduation photos are particularly conspicuous, 10 a few young people showed a vibrant smile. Among them, only one Chinese, he is tall and powerful - the master of this studio
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