
来源 :语数外学习(数学教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Y2J986
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托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣”。《数学课程标准》中指出,要使学生“积极参与数学学习活动,对数学有好奇心与求知欲”。因此,在数学教学中,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,是提高数学教学质量的重要途径,学生只有对数学学习产生了兴趣,才能孜孜不倦,全神贯注地沉浸于求知的境界中。下面,就在小学数学教学中如何结合学生的年龄及思维特点,培养学生的学习兴趣,谈几点体会。 Tolstoy once said: “What is required for successful teaching is not coercion, but rather arousing students’ interest.” The Mathematics Curriculum Standard states that students should be “actively involved in math learning activities and be curious and curious about mathematics.” Therefore, in mathematics teaching, cultivating students’ strong interest in learning is an important way to improve the quality of mathematics teaching. Only when students have an interest in mathematics learning, can they tirelessly and indoctrinate immersed themselves in the realm of seeking knowledge. Now, in elementary school mathematics teaching how to combine the student’s age and thinking characteristics, develop students’ interest in learning, talk a few experiences.
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流行性腮腺炎 (流腮 )临床表现多种多样 ,并发多器官损害的报道尚少见 ,现将我院 1 999年 1 0月~ 2 0 0 1年 1 0月住院的 36例流腮并多器官损害分析如下。临床资料一、一般资
随着新课改在中小学课程教学中的广泛深入,学科教学正从知识本位向学生本位的素质教育发展。语文作为中小学的基础学科,是培养学生理解、思辨能力的重要学科。对于小学生来讲,阅读教学则是提升语文学习兴趣,激发语文学习主动性的重要教学活动,因此语文教师应该注重小学语文阅读教学的策略研究,更新语文教学策略,以先进的教学思想指导小学语文阅读教学,推动学生阅读素质的提高。  新课改的理念是实现人本化的教育,教育是以
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