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自5月1日起,山东省将正式开始实施《山东省农用运输车产品修理、更换、退货责任规定》,农用三轮车“三包”有章可循了。 该规定明确指出,农用运输车产品实行谁销售谁负责“三包”的原则。销售者与生产者、修理者之间订立的合同不得免除,依照法律、法规和该规定应当向用户承担的“三包”责任和义务。 该规定所指的农用运输车是指三轮农用运输车、四轮农用运输车和其他农用运输机械,“三包”是指修理、更换、退货(简称三包)。 当购车选择销售商时,首先,要看销售商能否履行下列义务:销售商在出售产品时,应当检验或者向用户当面交验、试车;提供财政税务部门统一印制的发票、“三包”凭证、产品合格证及产品使用说明书;介绍产品“三包”方式、修理者地址和联系方法;介绍产品使用、维护、保 Starting from May 1, Shandong Province will formally implement the “Regulations on the Responsibility for the Repair, Replacement, and Return of Agricultural Vehicle Products in Shandong Province”, and the “Three Guarantees” for agricultural tricycles has a rule to follow. The regulation clearly states that the principle of “Three Guarantees” is responsible for who sells agricultural transport vehicle products. The contract concluded between the seller and the producer or repairer shall not be exempted from the “three guarantees” responsibility and obligation that shall be borne by the user in accordance with the laws, regulations and the regulations. The agricultural transport vehicles referred to in this regulation refer to three-wheeled agricultural transport vehicles, four-wheel agricultural transport vehicles, and other agricultural transport vehicles. The “three guarantees” refers to repairs, replacements, and returns (three guarantees). When choosing a dealer for a car purchase, first of all, it depends on whether the seller can perform the following obligations: When the seller sells the product, it should inspect or present the test to the user in person; provide invoices uniformly printed by the financial and taxation departments, and “three guarantees”. “Certificate, product certificate and product instruction manual; introduction of product ”Three Guarantees" method, repairer’s address and contact method; introduction of product use, maintenance, warranty
从1950年10月初工程兵第4团、东北军区工程兵教导团在鸭绿江架设浮桥和水面下桥 ,保障志愿军于10月19日分三路跨过鸭绿江开始 ,除25个步兵军所属的工程兵分队外 ,先后有15个工程兵团又1个工程
当前世界经济正面临着一场深刻的战略性重组 ,种种迹象表明 :世界制造业中心和配套基地正在向中国转移。就以包装工业来说 ,最近国外包装同行接连不断地来上海参观访问 ,在近
东南亚PE市场信心继续下降 ,因为来自销售商的价格意向在跌落。由于销售商有意摆脱库存包袱 ,私下对最终用户的发盘价已经降低 10— 2 0美元 /吨。销售商承认 ,新一轮的涨价看
据英国钢铁咨询公司 MEPS称 ,2 0 0 2年欧盟粗钢产量预计将继续下滑 ,降幅为 2 .5 % ,减少 40 0万t。预计 2 0 0 2年欧盟大多数品种钢材产量都将下滑 ,欧盟经济在今年下半年
山东济南车站玉来发货价近 日保持在1010元/吨,山东北部地 区车站发货价为990~1000元/吨, 山东东部地区送厂价1030~1040元/吨,地产玉米供给已基本告罄。 上海地区车站玉米交货
历经近两年的酝酿、调查和论证、立项 ,一个中国大型的包装印刷综合产业基地—上海国际包装印刷城 ,于 1月 10日在上海西北—普陀区破土兴建。“上海国际包装印刷城”终于尘