
来源 :云南中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiwei
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从有毒中药的炮制与其毒性改变的关系上 ,提出了炮制能改变药物毒性的因素 ,归纳为以下 7个方面 :(1)去除含毒性成分的部位 ;(2 )改变毒性成分的结构 ,使之转变成毒性较小而生理活性不减的物质 ;(3)降低毒性成分的含量 ;(4)除去非有效的水溶性毒性成分 ;(5 )破坏部分酶 ,以防有效成分发生化学变化生成毒性物质 ;(6 )破坏毒性成分结构 ,使之失去活性。 (7)辅料的解毒作用。 From the relationship between the processing of toxic Chinese medicines and their toxicity changes, the factors that can be used to modify the toxicity of drugs have been proposed and are summarized in the following seven aspects: (1) removal of sites containing toxic components; (2) alteration of the structure of toxic components to make them Convert to substances with less toxicity and unabated physiological activity; (3) Reduce the content of toxic components; (4) Remove ineffective water-soluble toxic components; (5) Destroy some enzymes to prevent chemical changes from generating active components. Substance; (6) Destruction of the structure of toxic components, rendering it inactive. (7) Detoxification of excipients.
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葛根为豆科植物葛的块根 ,历代本草均有记载。葛属植物全世界有近 18种[1] 。通常入药的是野葛Puerarialobata(Willd .)Ohwi的根。另外 ,其同属植物食用葛藤PueratiaedulisPamp ,峨嵋葛藤P .omeiensisWangetTang Pueraria is the root of t