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社会主义的物质文明与精神文明建设,邓小平同志早就指出“两手抓,两手都要硬。”我们舞蹈工作者是思想战线上的生力军,责无旁贷要以优秀的作品教育和激励人民。改革开放的劲风迅猛吹遍祖国大地,生产力高度发展促使了经济的腾飞,不同体制的企业相继崛起,物质文明令人欣喜 As for the socialist material civilization and the construction of spiritual civilization, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out long ago that “we must grasp each other with both hands and strive hard.” Our dancers are vital forces on the ideological front and are duty-bound to educate and inspire the people with excellent works. The brisk pace of reform and opening up vigorously to the motherland, the highly developed productive forces have contributed to the economic take-off, enterprises of different systems have risen one after another, and the material civilization is gratifying
Satellite cells( SCs) has been shown to be the source of myogenic precursorcells responsible for muscle fiber repair and regeneration during atrophy,after injur
所谓旋律运动中的解决趋向,就是旋律发展的自然趋向.达到相对稳定的状态。旋律线运动的紧张度布局总是从不稳定解决到稳定, The so-called melody movement in the solutio
组织型纤溶酶原激活物 (t- PA)是一种来源于血管内皮、启动内源性纤溶作用的关键酶 ;作为对血栓性动脉闭塞的反应 ,活性 t- PA急性的释放调解可在数分钟内出现。目的 该项研
一段时间以来,我用自编的五线谱教材对小学一年级进行实验教学。使我找到了解决小学一年级“音准”问题的奥妙,也更增强了我要进一步解决好这个问题的信心。我是这样作: 先
Polybenzyl glutamate as one of polyα- amino acids displaying excellent biocom-patibility and biodegradabi- lity is capable of reacting with hydroxyalkyl- amine
把自己当成自己生命的惟一主宰,不给自己任何逃避问题的借口.永往直前 Think of yourself as the only dominator of your own life and do not give yourself any excuse t