Simple Characteristics Estimation Methods of Material and Molecule Electronic Structure

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  Received: February 18, 2012 / Accepted: March 06, 2012 / Published: April 25, 2012.
  Abstract: The original methods of determining characteristics of electronic structure were generalized, namely ionization potentials and electron affinity of organic semiconductors and dielectrics. In the considered methods ionization potentials (IP) and electron affinity (EA) are estimated according to integral oscillator strength in visible and UV spectrum region, total number of electrons in molecular systems and color characteristics of substance solutions. The proved regularities are confirmed with statistical processing of data.
  The determining material and molecule electronic structure is an important problem of molecular electronics, chemistry and material chemistry. There are conventional methods of determining such characteristics as ionization potential and electron affinity: methods of photoelectron spectroscopy (FES), photodetachment, electron impact, polarography, quantum calculations (Fig. 1). Methods of photoelectron spectroscopy are complex and require a thorough processing of samples. Besides, hard ionization radiation disarranges molecular structure of metastable substances. Methods of quantum calculations produce a considerable mistake in polyatomic quantum systems, since model hamiltonians do not wholly consider the exchange interaction of electrons and effects of electron and nuclear frame interaction. Methods of determining of EA can be characterized by the difficulty of an experiment. Consequently, the development of methods of IP and EA is an actual task. The purpose of our investigations was the development of simple
   possess a high electron affinity, which means the possibility of their usage as perspective materials in nanoelectronics (Table 4).
  Subjects of investigation were different substances according to their chemical nature with known IPs. Atomic structures were determined by atoms of noble gases and metals (alkaline and alkaline-earth elements). Molecules were presented by homologous series of organic compounds such as: n- alkanes, n- aminoalkanes, ethylenes, arenas, n-normal aliphatic alcohols.
  Criteria of estimation reliability and accuracy of received functions for calculating IPs and expression coefficients (3) for all investigated substances are shown in Table 5.
  The IP estimation results of different organic molecules on correlation (3), quantum semiempirical methods, ad-initio methods, including photoelectron spectroscopy method are shown in Table 6.
  Thus, one can assume that Eq. (3) allows estimating IP of quantum system with adequate accuracy. It is
   characteristics (for example color coordinates Xj, Yj, Zj in the XYZ system or Rj ,Gj, Bj in the RGB system; or chromaticity coordinates xj, yj, zj in the XYZ system or trichromatic coordinates rj, gj, bj in the RGB system; j, standard light source A, B,C, or D); A0, A1, B0, B1, constants, depending on the light source type and the nature of investigated substances (series of compounds); A0, B0-eV.
  Statistical processing of results shows that dependences (4) and (5) are satisfactorily carried out for different light sources and different classes of aroma compounds (Tables 7 and 8).
  Table 9 shows some results of comparison of the first IPs determined with known methods and the first IPs determined according to Table 7 for different individual aroma compounds.
  Table 10 shows some results of comparison of EA determined with known methods and EA determined by CCs according to Table 8 for different individual aroma compounds.
  In the future the mentioned approach is supposed to be extended on other classes of substances and materials, for example on polymer semiconductors. It is important to note that this method cannot be applied to substances that do not have absorption in visible region, i.e., that do not have chromaticity. Besides, it requires correction applicable to substances that form a disperse system, where there are clear cut effects of radiation Rayleigh process, garbling absorption coefficients received in the experiment. Thus, the suggested stimation method of IP and EA according to CCs is applicable to molecules of aroma and heteroaromatic
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