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“卡贩”是指未经运营商许可,通过其他渠道获得运营商号卡,聚集在手机卖场附近或电信运营商营业厅周边,低价销售运营商产品来获取利润的实体店面经营者或沿街兜售的个人。由卡贩控制的市场叫卡贩市场。卡贩市场,从成立之初就是一个让运营商又爱又恨的地方。在运营商市场发展初期,各运营商致力于客户的新增,且卡贩市场的低价策略深得客户喜爱,运营商也就睁一只眼闭一只眼,此时对于卡贩可以说是爱大于恨。但随着市场的发展,运营商对放号质量要求越来越高,卡贩市场发展低质量用户的一贯做法不再受到运营商的欢迎,此刻,运营商对于卡贩已是恨大于爱。因此,运营商加强了对卡贩市场的治理,治理结果有好有坏,有得有失,往往是在治理卡贩的同时,付出了市场指标下滑和成本浪费的代价,卡贩市场治理如何“软着陆”成为运营商探索的重要课题。 “Card Vendor ” refers to the physical store operator who obtains the operator’s ID card through other channels without the permission of the operator, collects in the vicinity of the mobile phone store or around the telecom operator’s business hall, and sells the operator products at a low price for profit Individuals selling along the street. The market controlled by the card vendor is called the card vendor market. Card trafficking market, from the very beginning of its establishment is a place where operators love and hate. In the early stages of the development of the operator market, each operator is committed to adding new customers, and the low-cost tactics of the card vendor market have won the customer’s favor. Operators also keep an eye on one eye. At this time, Love is greater than hate. However, with the development of the market, operators are increasingly demanding the quality of the mobile number. The consistent practice of developing low quality users in the card vendor market is no longer welcomed by the operators. At the moment, operators hate the card vendors more than they love. Therefore, operators strengthen the management of the market for card-traders, and the results of the management are both good and bad. Gains and losses are often found in the management of the card-dealers. At the same time, they often pay for the decline of market indicators and the cost of wastes. “Soft landing ” has become an important issue for operators to explore.
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目的探讨超声引导下射频消融(radiofrequency ablation,RFA)治疗结节性甲状腺肿的临床效果。方法2009年6月~2010年9月对46例甲状腺良性结节在局部麻醉下行超声引导下RFA治疗,