乐学 会学 会用——浅谈如何培养学生的良好习惯和学习能力

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为适应当今社会的快速发展,培养学生良好的学习习惯,树立终身学习的理念,必须使学生热爱学习、善于学习并且学以致用,而不是被动学习、被迫学习、应付学习。对此,笔者以为乐学是前提,会学是关键,会用是目的,必须把乐学、会学、会用三者紧密结合起来,并贯穿于整个教学过程,才能真正提高学习质量,培养高素质的人才,为今后的工作学习打下良好的基础。一、运用多种教法,激发兴趣,使学生“乐学”现代课堂教学的关键在于激发学生兴趣,充分调动学生内在的积极性、主动性,使学生始终处于积极的思维状态。教无定法,贵在得法。在教学过程中,教师根据教材内容,可采取诸如知识竞赛、辩论演讲、小品表演、小组抢答、社会调查、自学答疑等多种教法。如讲授“防微杜渐,预防和减少青少年违法犯罪”时,我精心组织安排学生进行辩论。为了参与辩论.不少学生积极收集素材,探讨对策。辩论时引古道今,唇枪舌剑,且不失幽默风趣,课堂上不时发出阵阵笑声。激烈的争辩使个别平时在课堂上从不肯主动发言的同学,也情不自禁地站起来“参战”了。多种形式教学活动的开展和教法的运用,使学生在课堂上话多了起来,脑筋 In order to adapt to the rapid development of today’s society, cultivate students’ good study habits, and establish the concept of lifelong learning, students must be passionate about learning, be good at learning and apply what they have learned, rather than passive learning, forced learning, and coping with learning. In this regard, the author believes that learning is a prerequisite, learning is the key, the purpose is to use, must be music, learning, will be closely integrated with the three, and throughout the entire teaching process, in order to truly improve the quality of learning, training High-quality talents lay a good foundation for future work and study. First, the use of a variety of teaching methods to stimulate interest, so that students “learn ” The key to modern classroom teaching is to stimulate students’ interest, and fully mobilize their internal enthusiasm, initiative, so that students are always in a positive state of mind. Teaching the indefinite method is expensive. In the teaching process, teachers can adopt various teaching methods such as knowledge contests, debate speeches, short-form performances, group replies, social investigations, self-study and answering questions according to the teaching materials. For example, when teaching “preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency”, I meticulously organize students to debate. In order to participate in the debate, many students actively collected materials and discussed countermeasures. During the debate, the ancient path was evoked, and the sword was full of humor and humor. The laughter was heard from time to time in the classroom. The fierce debate led some students, who usually refused to take the initiative to speak in the classroom, could not help but stand up and join the war. The development of various forms of teaching activities and the use of teaching methods have made students more talk and brains in class.
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