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日本设计界前辈樋口治先生对中国代表团说:“再过20年,中国将成为世界的设计大国。”这或许是一种友好的希望,或许是对未来的预见。这也是使我们联想起李约瑟博士的预言:“工业设计是中国未来21世纪的希望。”我们所不能否认的是,中国已经开始显露出朝着那个方向努力的迹象了。第16届世界工业设计协会联合会年会(ICSID’89)选择在亚洲举行,对促进包括中国在内的亚太地区工业设计的发展有一定的影响。这次年会是从设计的角度,探讨21世纪即信息时代人类生活方式、生存环境的创造。主题涉及到对设计本身的再设计,当设计的异化给大工业文明所带来的一层阴影笼罩上来的时候,人类突然发现自身存在的生态环境恶化了,现在渴望的已不再是标准化、高耗能的工业品,而是“自然化”的人造物。只有重新检讨工业设计与自然环境的关系,才能认识到设计在解决技术与人性之间的矛盾中所起的作用。中国工业设计是否可能重蹈西方工业化国家已经走过的病魔缠身的设计老路,这是需要引起我们注意的问题。从中国工业发展的现状来看,普遍还存在着对大工业化的羡慕和崇拜,在消费尚未满足基本生活需要的前提下,是不可能提出对未来设计的正确指向。然而,我们从这次年会上获悉,国际设计界 Mr. Jikouji, a predecessor to the Japanese design community, told the Chinese delegation: “In another 20 years, China will become a design power in the world.” This may be a friendly hope and perhaps a foreseeable future. It is also reminiscent of Dr Needham’s prediction: “Industrial design is the hope of China in the 21st century.” We can not deny that China has begun to show signs of its efforts in that direction. The 16th World Federation of Industrial Design Association (ICSID’89) Annual Meeting (ICSID’89) was held in Asia and had an impact on the promotion of industrial design in Asia Pacific including China. This annual meeting is from the design point of view, to explore the information age in the 21st century, human lifestyles, the creation of a living environment. The theme relates to the redesign of the design itself. When the shadow brought by the alienation of design to the large industrial civilization has shrouded the human being suddenly find himself experiencing a deteriorating ecological environment, what he now longs for is no longer standardization, High energy-consuming industrial products, but “natural” artifacts. Only by reviewing the relationship between industrial design and the natural environment can we recognize the role design plays in resolving the contradiction between technology and human nature. Is it possible that China’s industrial design will repeat the ill-designed design path that western industrialized nations have gone through? This is a problem that needs our attention. Judging from the status quo of China’s industrial development, there is still a general envy and admiration for the great industrialization. Under the premise that consumption has not yet met the basic needs of life, it is impossible to propose the correct direction for future design. However, we learned from this annual meeting that the international design community
研究背景:非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)是严重威胁人类健康的恶性肿瘤之一,占肺癌总数的80-85%,属于放射治疗中度敏感的肿瘤。但是在临床工作中,晚期NSCL
<正> 现在,许多地方特别是城镇街道或单位,有不少重名的人,这给人们带来许多麻烦。那么,究竟应该怎样给孩子起名呢? 一、单字名不宜多起。据某些公安派出所反映,近年来新生儿