Study on the Background,Scientific Connotation and Contemporary Value of Marx's and Engels'

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In the process of leading the international communist movement,Marx and Engels faced the profound influence of social revolution and multi - social thoughts caused by the development of capitalism. They always stood at the historical height and the forefront of the times with their attention attached to and study the peasant issues,on the basis of the need to provide scientific theoretical guidance for the workers' movement and the revolutionary allied forces. Marx and Engels insisted on the connection between theory and practice,the unity of materialism and dialec-tics,the combination of principle and flexibility,the principle of complementing macro and micro analysis,and the fea-tures of peasantry class,personality characteristics,revolutionary nature,political attitudes and history of peasants and other in - depth analysis being accomplished and put forward practical and feasible joint measures to form a peasant thought with great scientific connotation. This idea is still of important value for the implementation of the rural revi-talization strategy by our party in the new era and the proper resolution of the "three rural issues".
2019年,王梅荣被评为河南清丰县百名老寿星之一,她的长子贺永法被评为清丰县孝老子女榜样。百岁寿星与她86岁的“孝星”儿子成为当地佳话。  勤劳母亲持家有方  王梅荣生于民国初年,从小善良勤快、古道热肠。那时候,中原地区经常闹灾荒,尽管家里穷,只要遇到上门乞讨的人,王梅荣总会想法不让人家空手而回。  19岁那年,相貌俊秀的王梅荣嫁到了附近的贺庄村,她孝敬老人,与小叔子小姑子相处融洽,邻居们对她的人
患儿女,1.5岁。腹部渐进性肿大伴腹胀2个月,加重10天入院。体检:T 36.5℃,腹部膨隆,以右上腹为著,肝脾扪及不清,全腹无压痛。实验室检查:C反应蛋白(CRP)
目的 :探讨声门上喉癌双侧颈淋巴结转移的临床病理特点。方法 :收集声门上喉癌伴颈淋巴结转移者 60例 ,其中单侧颈淋巴结转移和双侧颈淋巴结转移各 3 0例 ,根据肿瘤主体部位