战后岁月 艰难跋涉 1945年 8月 15日,日本天皇通过广播宣布无条件投降,给人类带来深重苦难的第二次世界大战宣告结束。 当时的日本,到处呈现着一片荒凉景象,瓦砾遍地,弹痕累累,百姓眼中满是绝望的目光,公路上几乎看不到什么汽车。为了恢复经济,1945年9月,盟军占领军批准日本全国每月可以生产1 500辆载
Years after the war A difficult journey On August 15, 1945, the Japanese Emperor announced through radio the unconditional surrender of the Second World War that brought great suffering to mankind. At that time, Japan was witnessing a desolate scene full of rubble and bullets. The eyes of the people were full of hopelessness. There was hardly any car on the road. In order to restore the economy, in September 1945, the Allied occupying forces authorized Japan to produce 1,500 vehicles a month