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小学语文教材,大多是文质兼美,脸炙人口的古今中外名篇,以其进步的思想内容和完善的艺术形式的统一,歌颂了真善美,鞭挞了假丑恶,有着巨大的审美价值。这些作品大多是作者用笔蘸着心血,蘸着欢喜或辛酸的泪水写成的,小语许多记叙文,尤其是写人的篇章,无不浸透着作者深沉的感情,但是教这些文章,如果只是强调字、词、句、段或涉及作品所表露的思想感情,也只是概念地讲解,将一篇文章分成若干段或层次,进而从层次中归纳中心思想;转而又是字词的音形义提问,又是句与句或句群之间的划分,这样习以为常的简单操作过程,久而久之,势必产生负效应。从传统误区来讲,它把教材作为知识的载体,从而把文学作品割裂为各种“基础础知识”的字词堆;从旧观念模式的错误立足点上,又会转而讥评情感教育是华而不实的花拳绣腿,这样的讲解学生会感到兴味索然,越来越学不下去,将语言教学逼向死胡同。因此,我摒弃了以上教法,采用熏陶感染的方法,我认为这是行之有效的。 Primary Chinese teaching materials are mostly textural and aesthetic, win universal praise of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign celebrities, with its progressive ideological content and perfect the unity of the art form, praised the truth, goodness and beauty, whipping the false ugly, has great aesthetic value. Most of these works are written by the author with a pen dipped in blood, dipped in tears of joy or bitterness. Many narratives in the small language, especially those written in the writings, are all imbued with the author’s deep feelings. However, teaching these articles merely emphasizes the characters , Words, sentences, paragraphs, or thoughts and emotions related to the works are only conceptual explanations, an article is divided into sections or levels, and then summarize the central idea from the level; , But also the division of sentences and sentence or group of sentences, so accustomed to a simple operation, over time, is bound to have a negative effect. From the traditional misunderstanding, it treats the textbook as the carrier of knowledge, so that the literary works can be split into a variety of words and phrases of “basic knowledge”; from the false standpoint of the old notion of mode, it will turn to criticism Emotional education is gaudy embroidery and embroidery, so that students will find it interesting to understand that more and more they will not go on, and will force language teaching to a dead end. Therefore, I abandoned the above teaching method and used the method of influencing infection, which I think is effective.