
来源 :山花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zqqzqq
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曾听人说:桂林山水甲天下,花溪山水甲桂林。花溪是贵州高原上的一颗明珠。在这山中有水、水中有岛、岛中有树、树旁有花的景致中,百步桥该算景中之景了。一个夏日的黄昏,我沿着一条幽静的林荫小道来到了百步桥。这时,整个天际都沉醉在青色的暮霭中。两岸葱茏而茂密的绿树生气盎然,象一道天然的屏风围住了河岸,在河面投 I heard people say: Guilin landscape Jia Tian, ​​Guilin landscape Huaxi. Huaxi is a pearl on the Guizhou plateau. There is water in this mountain, there are islands in the water, there is a tree in the island, and there are flowers beside the tree. A summer evening, I came to the Pedestrian Bridges along a quiet, tree-lined trail. At this time, the entire sky is immersed in the blue twilight. Both sides of verdant and dense green trees vibrant, like a natural screen surrounded the banks, in the river to vote
走进密林,有绿色的风吹亮被阳光浸润的早晨。脚步踏响山谷隐隐约约的回声, 我们在弯曲的小路上穿行, 黄花簇簇,青草萋萋……又经过那座没有碑的烈士墓了。 Into the jungle
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Once Dionysius, the King of Syracuse, and Damocles, his friend, were standing near the king’s palace. Dionysius was showing his friend the beautiful houses by