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水杉是我国特有的优良树种,在生长发育过程中,产生了一些自然变异。研究水杉的自然变异,进行优良类型选择,以便更好地为林业生产服务。 我们遵照毛主席“根据于一定的思想、理论、计划、方案以从事于变革客观现实的实践,一次又一次地向前。人们对于客观现实的认识也就一次又一次地深化。”的教导,近几年来,我们为江苏扩大水杉引种培育了大量的水杉苗木。在繁殖水杉苗木的实践过程中,我们发现水杉在主干、侧枝、叶形、皮色都有明显的变异,对此我们进行了初步的观察研究,将水杉划分山以下四种类型: 第一种类型(照片1):主干通直,顶芽健壮,呈嫩黄色。侧枝粗而密向上伸展,互生枝多,对生枝少。树冠窄而园,呈尖塔状,羽叶短密而园。幼苗树干呈红黑色,大树主干皮层粗糙,轮状剥落,主干尖削度较大。幼苗期生长略慢。 有主根、侧根粗而稀,几乎与主根相似,形成骨干根深扎土层,根幅较窄,形成与地上部分窄冠相适应。 Metasequoia is a unique tree species in our country, in the process of growth and development, produced some natural variation. Study Metasequoia natural variation, the choice of good type, in order to better serve the forestry production. In accordance with Chairman Mao’s principle of “carrying out the objective reality of change in accordance with certain ideas, theories, plans and programs, we are moving forward one time and again.” People’s understanding of objective reality has also deepened time and time again. In recent years, we have cultivated a large number of Metasequoia seedlings for the introduction of Metasequoia in Jiangsu. During the practice of seedling propagation of Metasequoia, we found that Metasequoia glyptostroboides variegated in the main stem, collateral, leaf-shaped, skin color has obvious variation, for which we conducted a preliminary observation and study, the Metasequoia division mountain four types: the first Type (Photo 1): The trunk is straight and the top bud is strong and bright yellow. Side branches thick and dense upward extension, alternate branches, less branches. Canopy narrow and garden, was a steeple, short leaves and garden feathers. The seedling trunk is reddish-black, the trunk of the tree is rough, the spherules are peeled off, and the trunk taper is larger. Seedling growth slightly slower. There are the main root, coarse and thin side of the root, almost similar to the main root, the formation of the backbone of deep rooted barren soil, narrow root width, the formation of the ground part of the narrow crown to adapt.
摘要 “阅读期待”是一种迫切求知的心理状态,是通过悬念的制造、情境的创设激起学生一种体验、探求未知的欲望,构成一种综合的阅读要求和欣赏水平。在阅读教学中,教师要给予学生阅读期待,让学生主动投入阅读,获得更为真实的情感体验。  关键词 阅读期待 悬念 情境 个性 媒体  “阅读期待”,我理解为是指读者在阅读文本之前对文本价值所合有的心理期待。它是一种心理状态,是读者进行阅读体验的引子。在教学实践中,
Background: Owing to the improvement of modern intraocular lenses (IOLs) in terms of design and material, posterior capsule opacification (PCO) usually takes 2-
很长一段时间以来,存储市场上关于 SAN 与 NAS谁将是发展趋势的争论从没消停过。然而在一个企业内,SAN 和 NAS 却发挥着各自的优势。如在电信企业里 Internet 的服务用 NAS