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  A Comparison of Confucian and Plato''s Educational Ideas
  Pang Jun-yu
  【Abstract】Confucius and Plato are the foundation of Chinese and Western-style education history; their thoughts have had a very profound and long impact for the formation of traditional Chinese and Western education. Through compared with Confucius and Plato’s ideas, we can see that all their thoughts with unique characteristics, but also the existence of similarities. Compared Confucius and Plato''s educational thoughts, help us have a deep understanding of Chinese and Western educational characteristics and patterns of development。
  【Key words】Confucius;Plato;Educational thoughts ;Compared
  A Comparison of Confucian and Plato''s Educational Ideas
  1. Introduction
  1.1 The brief introduction of Plato and his main educational thoughts
  1.2 The brief introduction of Confucius and his main educational thoughts
  2. Comparison of Confucian and Plato''s Educational Ideas
  2.1The common points of Plato and Confucius’ educational thoughts
  2.2 The differences between Plato and Confucius’ educational thoughts
  3. Conclusion
  1. Introduction
  Confucius and Plato are the foundation of Chinese and Western-style education history; their thoughts have had a very profound and long impact for the formation of traditional Chinese and Western education. Through compared with Confucius and Plato’s ideas, we can see that all their thoughts with unique characteristics, but also the existence of similarities.
  Jaspers has concluded that: around the 6th century BC, is an "Axial Age", then there were a series of great religious and philosophical system all over the world, and was foundation for the human civilization of society. Confucius and Plato, the two great masters,is the era of East-West axis of cultural history, was foundation for the later human civilization, and the East and the West of society, had immeasurable cultural influence on the east and the west. Confucius’ ideas created by the rulers of the Han Dynasty rule after the transformation of orthodox thinking, maintain authoritarian rule more than two thousand years of. Plato''s doctrine is a source of Western political thought; the political elite of the West can still see the shadow of its doctrine until today.
  Confucius and Plato''s life experiences have much in common. Confucius lived in the spring and Autumn Period, social ceremony collapse; equally, Plato also witnessed the chaotic political situation in Athens. And Confucius and Plato, to see the end of the Western Hills of the slave society, rather than sad and sorrow, but waged a vigorous battle, with writing, try to be safe and sound back in both. Therefore, their thoughts are some similarities. Confucius and Plato, after all, but living in different geographical conditions and historical and cultural traditions, there are also many differences in their nature of their doctrine. Based on their educational thoughts, with a view of the East-West education and may have a better understanding on its impact.
【摘要】我们的环境问题越来越严峻,我们必须从学生抓起,本文就地理课如何实施环境教育阐述了一些基本的做法,值得我们借鉴。  【关键词】地理教学;环境;教育  目前我国的环境状况面临许多严峻问题。环境的恶化已危及国计民生,如不改变,必将影响到我国经济的健康发展。加强环境教育,提高社会公众的环境意识,是解决环境问题的根本途径。环境教育是学校教育中不可或缺的部分,同时又是主渠道之一,而中学地理教材中的环境
【摘要】语文教学关键在于如何培养学生自能读书的能力,以实现叶圣陶先生“教是为了不教”的最高境界。而要想达此境界,培养学生自主制定阅读目标的习惯和能力是关键。  【关键词】自主;自能;自制  1.引导学生根据课文自身提供的条件(如课前的“学习重点’”、‘”课后题’”、“注释”等),自主设计阅读目标  首先,要善于引导学生根据课前提示的“学习重点”去设计目标。新教材课文前面的“学习重点”提示,是编者根
“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕”是烙印在现代中学生心中的读书之道,直接导致学生对历史这门课程根本不感兴趣。著名教育家皮亚杰说“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣”,诺贝尔物理奖获得者、美籍华人杨振宁认为:“成功的真正秘诀是兴趣,兴趣是人们进行学习和创造性劳动的动力。”所以,如何培养学生学习历史的兴趣,是我们初中历史教师迫切需要解决的问题。  实施新课程以来,通过培训和历史课堂教学实践,我个人认为:新课
【摘要】本论文阐述的是初中语文教学中如何培养学生的发散性思维,前提是训练好思维品质的流畅性、灵活性和独特性,发散性思维是创新思维的核心,对学生其它能力的发展起到决定性作用。因此,教师在初中语文教学中始终要贯穿对学生进行发散性思维的培养。  【关键词】语文;发散性思维;培养  培养学生的创新思维能力,是素质教育的需要,是民族生存、社会发展的需要,初中各科教学都必须重视学生创新能力的培养,作为基础工具
【摘要】兴趣是最好的老师。小学生对一种新学科的学习往往容易产生浓厚的兴趣。由于他们注意力时间较短且容易分散且课堂是学生学习的主要场所,在数学课堂教学中教师应把激发兴趣放在首位,教师必须想方设法调动学生的兴趣。使学生热爱数学,把激情融入数学学习中。用兴趣来激活他们的思维,唤醒他们的学习意识,进而充分调动学习积极性,让他们主动参与到教学中。  【关键词】数学课堂激发学习兴趣  由于数学学科的抽象性和严
课堂教学是教师引导学生按照明确的目的、循序渐进地以掌握教材为主的一种教育活动。从学校活动总量统计上来看,课堂教学所占的时间最多、涉及的知识面最广,对学生发展的影响最大。因为课堂教学是严密组织起来的传授知识、促进学生发展的最有效形式,是进行全面发展教育、实现培养目标的基本途径。所以,能否组织好课堂教学,是一个教师教学成败的关键。   那么,如何才能组织好课堂教学呢?结合教学体验,谈下个人的浅识陋见:
【摘要】兴趣是学生学习动机中最现实、最活跃的因素。在化学课堂教学中,对学生的学习兴趣进行激发、培养、巩固和提高,是提高课堂教学质量的有效途径。本文结合教学实践,对在化学教学中,如何培养农村学生学习化学的兴趣的方法和途径进行阐述。  【关键词】化学教学;兴趣;激发;培养  兴趣是指人们注意与探究某事物或从事某种活动的积极态度与倾向。我国古代教育家孔子就曾说过:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”。