转换机制 增强实力

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企业经营机制就是指企业经营的计划、组织、指挥、监督等诸要素与经营环境相互作用、相互联系、相互结合的系统。它有两方面的含意:一是企业经营要素与外部经济环境的联系形式,这主要是指企业与国家与市场的联系;另一个是企业自身的管理组织决策机构和管理制度。企业转换经营机制就是企业从生产型向经营型转变。使企业内部的组织机构和管理制度逐步适应社会主义市场经济的过程。 The enterprise management mechanism refers to the system in which the elements, such as the planning, organization, command, and supervision of business operations, interact with, interact with, and integrate with the business environment. It has two implications: The first is the link between the business elements of an enterprise and the external economic environment. This mainly refers to the linkage between the enterprise and the state and the market; the other is the enterprise’s own decision-making organization and management system for management organization. The business transformation mechanism of enterprises is the transformation of enterprises from production to operation. The process of gradually adapting the organizational structure and management system within the enterprise to the socialist market economy.
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本文通过对工程项目施工阶段造价控制现状的分析和加强施工阶段造价控制意义的分析,就如何加强工程项目施工阶段的造价控制提出几点建议。 Based on the analysis of the pr