
来源 :医学研究通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czw6229835
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由于内耳耳蜗中毛细胞的损伤引起的耳聋称为感觉神经性耳聋或称全聋。目前除人工耳蜗之外尚无其它治疗方法,使这部分患者恢复音感。人工耳蜗是以人工装置代替正常耳蜗的功能,将声音信息转变为电信息、再由植入到耳蜗中的电极将此电信息传送给听神经纤维、经神经通路传主中枢、使聋人产生了对声音的感觉。 Deafness caused by the damage of hair cells in the inner ear cochlea is called sensory nerve deafness or full deafness. At present, there is no other treatment besides cochlear implant, so this part of patients restore the sound. Cochlear implant is a manual device to replace the normal function of the cochlea, the voice information into electrical information, and then implanted in the cochlea electrode this electrical information to the auditory nerve fibers, the main pathway through the neural pathway, so that deaf people Feeling of sound.
美国通用汽车集团(通用汽车)属下之汽车零件国际业务部负责一切有关 AC Delco 零件之销售。并于六月北京国际汽车工业展览上展示了免加水及维修的电瓶和其它汽车配件。免加
我院1967年12月至1984年12月共收治住院眼外伤174例,其中角膜穿通伤64例,占36.78%,报告如下: (一)一般资料:64例中男52例(81.25%),女12例(8.75%),男女比例约4.33:1。年龄1—
Focal mechanism and dynamic rupture process of the Wenchaun Ms8.0 earthquake in Sichuan province on 12 May 2008 were obtained by inverting long period seismic d
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Anaemia and thrombocytopenia are haematological disorders that can be detected in many human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-positive patients during the developmen
我院 1998年 10月至 1999年 10月收治 46例小儿支原体肺炎 ,男 2 4例 ,女 2 2例 ,年龄 1 5~ 14岁。均符合小儿支原体肺炎的临床及实验室诊断标准。发热 42例 ,多为弛张热及不