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一位中年男士来到心理咨询室,请求我的帮助。他先作了一番自述:结婚25年,我是“资深”丈夫,却不是自由的丈夫。在家里没有一点自由的时间和空间,妻子黏在我的身边,对我的任何事情都十分关心,开始还觉得蛮幸福,但随着时间的推移,我越来越觉得心力交瘁。妻子因我前女友的事,对我多出了一份警惕,于是涉及异性,妻子超级敏感,比如,家里电话一响,妻子立即抛下手中的活去接电话,只要是女的找我,我接电话的时候她一 A middle-aged man came to the counseling room and asked for my help. He first made a statement: 25 years of marriage, I am “senior ” husband, but not a free husband. There was not a bit of free time and space at home. My wife was stuck beside me, very concerned with everything about me, and I was quite happy at first. However, as time went by, I became more and more frustrated. My wife because of my ex-girlfriend, gave me a more vigilance, so involving the opposite sex, his wife super-sensitive, for example, the phone home, his wife immediately left hands to answer the phone, as long as the woman looking for me, She was the one when I answered the phone
本文对公式S_d=m·d_p/(2h)做了改进,即令测量支距h=d_p/n(n为正偶数),这样,换算系数大大简化,提高了测量效率. In this paper, the formula S_d = m · d_p / (2h) is impr
The first example of enantioselective allylation of aldehydes with chiral allyl organolan-thanide reagents has been achieved in high chemical yield and moderat
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中国农业机械学会排灌机械专业委员会,于1986年举办了两次学术讨论会,兹将会议上交流的论文,摘要刊登于次,以供参考。 China Agricultural Machinery Association Drainage
现代篮球移动技术分为摆脱移动,接球移动,投篮移动,防守移动,篮板球移动。这些技术不仅用在进攻中,也用在防守中。移动技术具有应变性、组合性、对抗性。 Modern basketball mobi
20t 平移式无塔架缆索起重机主索长达600多 m,在其自重作用下对主、副车产生很大张力,由此,在缆机结构中产生了不可忽视的空载应力。该应力实测数据对于设备的使用或者进一步