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我院内科最近对一氧化碳急性重度中毒的病人采用3%过氧化氢加入全血中静脉输入抢救成功3例。现报告如下: 病例摘要:患者,男,24岁,住院号246。因一氧化碳中毒于1986年12月5日入院。查体:T37.3℃,P160次/分,R60次/分,BP18.7/12kPa,意识不清,抽搐、呼吸急促,面色苍白,两颊潮红,口唇樱红,全身皮肤多汗,肌群震颤心音有力,心律不整,可听到期前收缩,两肺均可听见干啰音,腹软,肝脾未触及。实验室检查:碳氧血红蛋白45%以上,白细胞36×10~(?)/L,中性95%,淋巴5%,尿常规正常。心电图:窦性心动过速,室性早搏,ST段下移入院后诊断,急性一氧化碳重度中毒,给予鼻导管吸氧、输液、抗生素、能量合剂,对症等治疗2小时病人不见好转后,采用3%双氧水20ml加入300ml新鲜血内静脉输入后10时病人意识恢复。测碳氧血红蛋白20%,又给3%双氧水20ml加入300ml血内静脉输入,3小时后病人自觉症状明显减轻,测碳氧血红蛋白3%,5天后病人症状消失。 In our hospital recently, acute poisoning of patients with acute severe carbon monoxide using 3% hydrogen peroxide to join the whole blood vein in the successful rescue of three cases. The report is as follows: Case Summary: Patient, male, 24 years old, hospital number 246. Because of carbon monoxide poisoning in December 5, 1986 admission. Examination: T37.3 ℃, P160 beats / min, R60 beats / min, BP18.7 / 12kPa, unconsciousness, convulsions, shortness of breath, pale, cheeks flushing, lip red lips, Group tremor powerful heart, irregular heartbeat, can be heard before the contraction, both lungs can hear dry rales, abdominal soft, liver and spleen not touched. Laboratory tests: carboxyhemoglobin more than 45%, white blood cells 36 × 10 ~ (?) / L, 95% neutral, lymphatic 5%, normal urine. Electrocardiogram: sinus tachycardia, ventricular premature beats, ST segment down into the hospital after diagnosis, acute severe poisoning of carbon monoxide, given nasal catheter oxygen, infusion, antibiotics, energy mixture, symptomatic treatment for 2 hours after the patient did not improve, the use of 3 % Hydrogen peroxide 20ml added 300ml fresh intravenous infusion of 10 after the recovery of the patient’s consciousness. Carbon oxide hemoglobin 20%, and then to 3% hydrogen peroxide 20ml added 300ml intravenous infusion, 3 hours after the patient’s symptoms were significantly reduced, measured carboxyhemoglobin 3%, 5 days after the patient’s symptoms disappear.
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