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一、单选教育部考试中心综合处刘庆思处长(英语科负责人)在谈及高考中单选的作用时说:“由于各方面原因,语言知识的传授仍然是教学的重点或次重点,教学中仍大量采用单项解决,逐项训练的方式。为厂在一定程度上照顾这一现实,NM肼中仍保留丁相对数量的单项测试题。”在150分中有15道语法知识和词汇辨异题,虽只15分,但也不可轻视。从历年实例的情况看,动词或与动词相关的题目的考查在15题中占7至8题,因为动词的变化多,而且是句子的核心部分。所以广大同学在进行单项或知识块复习时,务 I. Selecting the Director of the Comprehensive Examination Department of the Ministry of Education Liu Qingsi (Head of the English Section) when talking about the role of the radio in the college entrance examination: "For various reasons, the teaching of language knowledge is still the focus or sub-focus of teaching. There is still a large number of single-solution and item-by-item training methods used in teaching. To the extent that the factory takes care of this reality to a certain extent, NM still retains a relatively large number of individual test questions.” There are 15 grammatical knowledge and vocabulary out of 150 points. Differentiating the differences, although only 15 points, but not despise. From the perspective of the examples of the past years, the examination of verbs or topics related to verbs accounted for 7 to 8 questions in 15 questions, because the verbs had many changes and were the core part of the sentences. Therefore, when students are reviewing single items or knowledge blocks,
众所阁知(a~(1/2)-b~(1/2))2≥0(a,b都是非负数),将其展开,然后移项得a+b≥2 (ab)~(1/2).此时a、b的和就出现了最小值2√ab,如若再深入推敲.要满足a+b=2√ab,也就要满足a等b
平行和垂直问题是立体几何问题中的一个重要组成部分,是每年高考必考查的内容, 毫无疑问,课本中的有关平行和垂直的判定定理和性质定理是解决有关平行与垂直问题的主要方法.
The following data show the U.S.unemployment rate on a month-by-month basis from November 1991(month 1)through November 1992(nonth 13)duringa reces-sion in the