Scrambled in Appearance but United in Spirit: A Study on Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood Adapt

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William Shakespeare(1564—1616)has been universally acknowledged as an outstanding playwright and poet during the English Renaissance.His great tragedy,Macbeth,telling the conversion of a good man into a wholly evil,is so well accepted.Akira Kurosawa,as a famous Japanese director,attaches much importance to the fusion of eastern and western culture,which makes his adaptations from literature unique.His Throne of Blood is totally different from the original Macbeth,but it remains the quintessence of Shakespeare.Through analyzing the successful transformation of the plot,character and language,this paper reveals the significance of the film as an independent art which can make it possible to realize another kind of art. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) has been universally acknowledged as an outstanding playwright and poet during the English Renaissance. His great tragedy, Macbeth, telling the conversion of a good man into a wholly evil, is so well accepted. Akira Kurosawa, as a famous Japanese director, attaches much importance to the fusion of eastern and western culture, which makes his adaptations from literature unique. His Throne of Blood is totally different from the original Macbeth, but it remains the quintessence of Shakespeare. Through the analysis of successful transformation of the plot, character and language, this paper reveals the significance of the film as an independent art which can make it possible to wish another kind of art.
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