Reaffirming Commitment To AEC Blueprint 2025

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  ASEAN finance ministers and central bank governors reaffirmed their commitment to the bloc’s economic community blueprint 2025 on April 6.
  The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025 includes strategic objectives for financial integration, financial stability and financial inclusion.
  The joint statement of the fourth ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting noted that the finance ministers and central bank governors are encouraged by ASEAN’s strong economic growth of 5.2 percent in 2017 and expect the growth momentum to be sustained into 2018 on the back of broad-based global economic recovery, expansion in global trade, sustained private consumption and growing infrastructure investment.
  Remaining vigilant against risk, they reaffirmed their commitments to international trade and investment, which remain important engines of growth and development, according to the statement.
  Meanwhile, they committed to implementing appropriate monetary, fiscal, macro-prudential and supervisory policies to maintain macroeconomic and financial stability.
  The meeting also focused on topics including ASEAN’s financial integration and liberalization, facilitation of trade and investment, infrastructure financing, financial technology and innovation, and capacity building and implementation.
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