
来源 :环境条件与试验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruocich
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国家标准《Kb交变盐雾试验方法(报批稿)》是一种考核电子电工产品整机设备耐抗盐雾环境的人工模拟气候试验。这种环境试验在国际上,尤其是在英国劳氏船级社对船用电子设备的论证试验中已有多年的应用经验。1984年国际电工委员会将这种试验方法正式列入IEC68号文件,其标准代号为68-2-52。我国环标委在1983年底南京会议后成立了Kb试验方法标准制订工作组。在IEC六月法则草案稿的基础上经过分析、讨沦和试验验证,在不到一年的时间内完成了国标制订任务。标准经过行业函审、讨论和定稿,於84年9月环标委气候分会第一次会议中审查通过后,正式修改成报批稿呈送国家标准局审批。 National Standard “Kb alternating salt spray test method (for draft)” is a test of electronic electrical products, equipment, salt spray resistance environment simulated artificial climate test. Such environmental tests have many years of experience in the international community, especially in the Lloyd’s Register of Shipping’s demonstration of marine electronic equipment. In 1984 the International Electrotechnical Commission formally included in this test method IEC68 document, the standard code-named 68-2-52. China’s Central Environmental Monitoring Committee set up a working group on the standardization of Kb test methods after the Nanjing Conference in late 1983. Based on the draft of the June draft of the IEC, the task of national standard development was completed in less than a year after analysis, discussion and verification. Standards industry letter review, discussion and finalization, in September 84 after the first meeting of the Central Branch of the Standardization and Climate Branch review passed, formally revised into draft for approval submitted to the National Bureau of approval.
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