
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanglang1
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六年前,一个偶然的机会,我走进了统计局的大门,开始了我的统计人生。说实在的,起初我对统计知之甚少,只是听说过“三分统计,七分估计”的传言以及统计只是简单的数字加减的模糊概念,工作没有挑战性。当初的失意与迷芒,灰心与落没自不必言说,感到的是我的生命不再有激情,人生不再有辉煌。是的,在世俗者的眼里,统计是没有实惠、没有荣誉、没有鲜花和掌声的,社会对统计工作的科学性、技术性、重要性没有足够认识,社会地位不高。然而,随着时间的推移,特别 Six years ago, by chance, I walked into the door of the Bureau of Statistics and started my statistical life. To be honest, at first I did not know much about the statistics. I just heard the rumors that “one-third statistics, seven-point estimation,” and statistics are just vague concepts of simple numbers additions and subtractions. The work is not challenging. The original frustration and enchantment, discouraged and frustrated Needless to say, I feel no longer have a passion for life, life is no longer brilliant. Yes, in the eyes of the secular, there is no benefit, no honor and no flowers and applause in the statistics. The society does not have sufficient knowledge of the scientific, technical and material significance of statistical work and its social status is not high. However, over time, special
In early March 2008 the price of urea inChina increased with the seldom seen highspeed in history. Both the ex-factory priceand the market wholesale price in m
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China announced March 23rd it hassigned a contract with Hebei Baiqi PharmaceuticalCo.,Ltd.(Baiqi)to supply nitrogenfor its pharmaceutical production. China an
1 Introduction In recent years the requirements for environmental protection have been increasingly rigorous. At the same time, while processing heavier and lo