
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godmouse
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油菜苗期病毒病的发生,决定于带毒有翅蚜从毒源寄主上迁入的时间与虫口数;本田期病毒病的流行为害,在很大程度上与苗床后期和本田初期有翅若蚜的长成和扩散有关。杭州地区的传毒蚜虫主要为菜缢管岈,其有翅蚜的发生及迁飞高峯期约在9月下旬至10月下旬,油菜病毒病发病率的高峯与有翅蚜发生高峯成正相关。本研究进一步证实了带病的十字花科杂蔊菜的蓿根,越夏后萌发的植株是秋菜及油菜的重要毒源之一。在7月中旬正8月上旬的炎热夏天仅看到火白菜是菜缢管蚜的寄主,但未检查到病株,另一试验火白菜感病后无隐蔽现象。杭州地区10月份的降水量、降雨天数以及相对湿度对当年病毒病流行与否影响最大,天气干旱病毒病相当严重。暴雨或连续降雨两天以上能影响有翅蚜,发生量与迁飞量显著下降,因而在一定程度上抑制了病毒病的蔓延。播种时用6%可湿性六六六粉每亩3斤撒施畦面,苗床期两片真叶开始,连续用乐果及二二三、六六六混合液治蚜4次,与加强肥水管理,效果达84.7%。 The occurrence of rapeseed seedling virus disease depends on the time and number of insect population moved from poisonous winged aphids from the host of virulence. The prevalence of virus disease in Honda period is largely related to the late-stage and late-winged Aphids grow into and spread on. The main aphids in Hangzhou area are Asclepiadaceae. The occurrence and migration peak of their aphids are from late September to late October. The peak incidence of rape virus virus disease is positively correlated with the peak of the winged aphid. This study further confirmed the diseased cruciferous cabbage root, after the summer germination of plants and autumn rapeseed is one of the important sources of poison. In mid-July and early August, the hot summer only saw that fire cabbage was the host of aphidous vegetables, but the diseased plants were not checked. After another test, cabbage was not hidden. The precipitation, the number of rainy days and the relative humidity in Hangzhou in October affected the epidemic of the virus disease most at that time, and the weather was very serious. Heavy rain or continuous rainfall more than two days can affect a winged aphids, the occurrence and the amount of fly-off significantly decreased, which to some extent, inhibited the spread of the virus disease. When sowing with 6% wettable six six six powder per mu 3 kg sprinkle noodles, seedling bed two true leaves began with dimethoate and two hundred twenty-three, six six six mixture of aphids governance aphids four times, and strengthen the fertilizer Management, the effect of up to 84.7%.
为深入贯彻落实党的十五大精神,进一步加强财税工作,确保财政收支持续稳定增长,建立稳固、平衡、强大的云南财政,促进全省经济发展和社会进步,特作如下决定。 In order to
各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局: 为了加强依法治税,严格税收管理权限,维护正常的财税秩序,根据《国务院关于加强依法治税严格税收管理权
据哈萨克斯坦国家收入部宣布,截至2000年8月24日,国家收入额完成了计划的121.1%,直属国家收入部的收入预算为2 794亿坦戈,现实际收入3 383亿,已占年收入计划的81%。截至9月,
介绍了乙酸乙酯工艺 ;提出了复合萃取法分离乙酸乙酯乙醇水 ,采用三对角距阵法模拟计算乙酸乙酯乙醇水分离结果 ;建立萃取分离装置 ,采用合适的萃取剂 ,考察了不同溶剂比及回