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心太执着,爱太深刻。杜然然是一个活泼可爱的小女孩,5岁那年的一天,然然的妈妈在鸡舍里点燃炉子,给刚购进的雏鸡取暖,没想到一时不慎,炉腔里窜出的火苗引燃了塑料墙体和棉被,火势迅速蔓延,将正在一旁玩耍的然然团团围住。然然的妈妈不顾身上着火,拼命扑过去救然然,可是鸡舍内都是塑料等易燃品,火势猛烈。最终,然然全身60%面积三度烧伤,然然的妈妈身体也大面积二度烧伤。母女俩被前来救火的村里人送到医院救治,然然因伤势严重,被立即转入重症病室。然然家里很贫困,爸爸杜金辉一年里有大半时间在外打工。当他闻讯赶到医院,看到女儿浑身上下被纱布包裹得严严实实,唯一露 Heart is too persistent, love too profound. Du ranran is a lovely little girl, 5 years old that day, of course, the mother lit the stove in the chicken coop, just bought the chickens for heating, did not expect a moment of carelessness, the fire in the furnace cavity flames ignited The plastic walls and quilts, the rapid spread of the fire, will be playing around the side of course surrounded. However, regardless of their mother ignited the body, desperate rushed to save the past, but the chicken coop are plastic and other flammable, violent fire. Eventually, however, 60% of the body area third-degree burns, of course, the mother’s body is also a large area of ​​second degree burns. Mother and daughter were sent to the hospital for rescue from the village firefighters. However, due to serious injuries, they were immediately transferred to intensive care units. However, the family is very poor. Dad Du Jinhui spent most of his year working outside the home. When he heard the news rushed to the hospital, saw her daughter covered in gauze up and down was tightly, the only exposed
OBJECTIVE To examine the antitumor activities of fresh apple extracts. METHODS Fuji apple extracts were tested for their anti-LS~174T-pro-liferative activities,
最近,国际权威生态学期刊Ecological Applications在线发表了武汉植物园在生物防治入侵植物研究领域的最新成果(http://www.esajournals.org/DOI/pdf/10.1890/09-2406.1)。