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  This month we examine sustainable development, a concept at the forefront of human consciousness. Simply put, this is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. But it involves so much more. It incorporates the harmonious melding of nature and cities, providing adequate education on environmental protection and nurturing everyday relationships to ensure the continuance of a way of life.
  In cities, worlds overflowing with artificial things, we rely on cars to get from A to B and processed food to fuel our bodies. We can’t possibly imagine needing nature in its purest form to make it through each day. In Peru’s Mountain People Face Fight for Survival in a Bitter Winter we learn about local Peruvians literally depending on the animals around them for survival. The vital link between human beings and nature could not be better illustrated than it is in this sobering story.
  In contrast to remote Peru, Venice is a city not only flooded with tourists, but due to global warming, is just plain flooded. Vanishing Venice illustrates how a failure to live in a sustainable way will result in dramatic consequences for our earth and the cities we live in.
  A large part of successfully implementing sustainable strategies falls on widespread education. In Education the Key to Harmony, two examples of educational sustainable development programs show us how everyone can play their part. From Illinois to Ethiopia, adults and children are learning about the importance of relationships with the earth, and with each other.
  This idea is extended further in Seven Must Haves for a Sustainable Relationship. To truly achieve sustainability in the world, there are a series of guidelines that need to be followed carefully in order to respect the environment. In the same way, people need to follow similar guidelines in their relationships with each other to maintain a healthy life.
  Sustainable development is about adopting an attitude to change the planet. The hope is that in the future there will be no more talk of “going green”, we will all simply be green.
January sky like a 1)slate wiped clean  And stillness of air where nothing has been  Wait for your word as if to say  Another last chance lives from today    Happy New Year—the world just keeps turnin
“从明天起,做一个幸福的人 / 喂马,劈柴,周游世界…… / 我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开……”  诗人海子的这首《面朝大海,春暖花开》所描述的内容令无数人向往。是啊,有一间面朝大海的小木屋,划船、劈柴、听雨、摘蓝莓,远离一切尘嚣,尽情享受属于自己的一片安宁,那是何等的惬意!呵呵,告诉你,这一切在阿拉斯加可以实现!欲知详情?那就跟随本文的作者一起去阿拉斯加找寻久违的闲适和恬静吧!  ——Mai
On March 16, 2002, when daffodils were swaying in the slowly warming wind of a 1)North Carolina spring, I found myself in a 2)snug hospital room with my wife and just-born daughter, only hours old, an
本文作者是来自澳大利亚,热爱写作的小伙子Mitch——CR的小编之一。细心的读者会发现,CR每期的“卷首语”都是由他亲自撰写的。关于本期主题“秘·觅”,小编特邀Mitch写了这篇情真意切的美文。“世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我就站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你”,把爱留在心底,有时也不是一件坏事。让我们一同欣赏这篇美文,体会爱的“百转千回”。   ——Mac    Dear Elizabeth
打开电脑,上QQ、MSN,和朋友、同事聊聊天;打开邮箱,看看有没有客户或朋友发来的邮件;在自己的博客上记录所思所感或上各大论坛发贴子表达自己的意见……在这个网络时代,人们的生活与“虚拟的”网络世界已经变得越来越密不可分,网络世界的一些东西也慢慢从虚拟走向现实,对此我们不得不思考:当一个人逝世后,他/她曾使用过的那些在线服务怎么处理呢?   国内中文网络上曾经掀起过一次讨论:“人死了之后,QQ号怎么
2006年上映的电影《时尚女魔头》展现的是一场Logo的欢宴,时尚的视觉大餐:嘴涂Chanel唇膏,手挽Hermès包包,脚踩Manolo Blahnik高跟鞋的女郎流连于纽约街头,形成一道道夺目的风景线。但是,这部电影另外一个心照不宣的“贡献”是把一位重量级的时尚幕后推手——安娜·温图尔,美国版《Vogue》的主编,推到了幕前。看客第一次见识到时尚界的“权力”与 “权威”所在:她的一笑一颦几乎可
As the outlook of this planet rests primarily in the hands of the children of today, it is the role of parents and governments to ensure the education of sustainable development is as 1)far-reaching a
Here’s a song for lovers  Who don’t care if they don’t sleep   If dragonflies with heavy hearts   Cut the air like 1)darts     Here’s a song for lovers  Who won’t ever have to weep  Clear-sighted eyes
《华盛顿邮报》曾举办一场诗歌比赛,要求参赛者写一首仅有两行且押韵的诗——第一行能多浪漫就多浪漫,第二行能多不浪漫就多不浪漫。无庸置疑,提交上来的当然不乏让人“捧腹大笑”之作。小编在此选登该比赛的一些入选作品,供大家在茶余饭后一乐。^_^  ——Lavender    My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:  Marrying you has 1)screw