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  Dear Elizabeth,
  My heart aches to hold you and whisper in your ear. I burn to let you see the power of my passion. Yes, there are so many yearnings I long to tell you. I can onlyhope this letter abundantly expresses all of my love.
  I first saw you while riding my bicycle through Waltzing 1)Meadow, though you never saw me that day. You swam in the river with your sisters as I stood watching from a distance on the water’s edge. The truth is, I’ve always been utterly terrified of water, but seeing the joy on your face as you plunged and splashed gave me the2)guts to dip my feet in. In that moment, with that smile, you became The One for me. And it was that same uncontrollably warm smile that would later give me the encouragement I needed at various other stages throughout my life.
  When you announced that you would marry my brother, my heart3)liquefied. I sat through the engagement party like a sailor tossed from his boat. Drowning. 4)Gasping for air. You knew something was wrong. You pulled me aside, flashed a grin and told me I should go and explore the world. And I did. Cairo. Paris. 5)Timbuktu. All for you.
  I know I missed the wedding, but Thomas sent me photos. When I speak with him on the telephone, he tells me of his love for you, and how proud he is to be the father of your children. As I listen to him, I take out the photograph of you in your wedding dress and imagine being the one to walk you down the 6)aisle. Then I shake my head, and return the photo to my wallet.
  Oh, if only I could bring myself to send this letter. But I know, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, that I will never have such courage. Besides, who I am to spoil a beautiful picture? Some things are better left secret.
  With all my love,
  Dear Roman,
  My life 7)unraveled perfectly: a marriage of fifty years, a husband who adores me, seven beautiful children. But still, there are times when I think of you.
  I never told you this, but I saw you watching me all those years ago, down by the river; though I pretended I couldn’t see you, of course. It 8)gave me butterflies to know you were watching. I couldn’t stop smiling. My sisters teased me for months about being in love with “The Boy from Waltzing Meadow”.
  When we first officially met in college, I tried like crazy to 9)win you over. But every time I smiled at you, you seemed uncomfortable. I guess that is what brought me to Thomas. When you introduced us, he returned the smile and I decided to give up on you. But I needed to be sure before I got married. I remember at my engagement party I told you traveling might help pull you 10)out of the rut you were in. You have no idea how utterly desperate I was for you to tell me you could never leave me, and to 11)whisk me off my feet so we could sail into the sunset. That wasn’t meant to be.
  Of course I love my husband and my children. But there is always that part of me that wonders what could have been, if only you had loved me too. Yet I have everything I could ever want, so I have no right to say these things to you. I have lived my life, and lived it well. You went on and had a family of your own, also.
  So, now my secrets mean nothing. All we have is silence.
  Oh, how I wish you were alive to read these words. But maybe the passion of a fantasy is stronger than what ever could have been.
  Eternally yours,
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