Aggregate Stability and Its Relationship with Some Chemical Properties of Red Soils in Subtropical C

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cctv2009_33894352
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The stability of aggregates in the surface soil is crucial to soil erosion and runoff generation. Thus, to understand the stability and the breakdown mechanisms of soil aggregates as well as the relationship between aggregate stability and selected soil chemical properties, such as different forms of Fe and Al oxides, organic matter, CEC and clay content, the aggregates of slightly and severely eroded red soils derived from Quaternary red clay in subtropical China were analyzed using the routine wet sieving and the Le Bissonnais methods. The results indicated that the aggregates of the severely eroded soils were more stable than those of the slightly eroded soils. Different aggregate breakdown mechanisms resulted in different particle size distribution. The slaking from entrapped air in aggregates severely destroyed the soil aggregates, especially in the slightly eroded soils. Meanwhile, mechanical breakdown and microcracking had little effect on the aggregates compared to slaking. The fragments resultin The stability of aggregates in the surface soil is crucial to soil erosion and runoff generation. Thus, to understand the stability and the breakdown mechanisms of soil aggregates as well as the relationship between aggregate stability and selected soil chemical properties, such as different forms of Fe and A oxides, organic matter, CEC and clay content, the aggregates of slightly and severely eroded red soils derived from Quaternary red clay in subtropical China were analyzed using the routine wet sieving and the Le Bissonnais methods. The results indicated that the aggregates of the severely eroded soils were more stable than those of the slightly eroded soils. those slaves from entrapped air in aggregates severely destroyed the soil aggregates, especially in the slightly eroded soils. Meanwhile, mechanical breakdown and microcracking had little effect on the aggregates compared to slaking fragments resultin
随着紫红色粉笔落下的灰尘,黑板上出现了一个大大的“b”。我不禁心生疑惑:“b”有什么大不了的?  老师问:“它是什么字?”“英文字母b!”有人扯起了嗓子。“数字6!”余秋阳笑嘻嘻地答道。经他们这一提示,我茅塞顿开,心想:这不是五线谱中常常出现的降音符号吗?还可以将它倒过来,变成数字“9”,拼音、英文字母中的q、p、d。呵,或许还有别的呢……同学们七嘴八舌地说起来,答案可真多、真有意思!不信,我说给