One of the deep-rooted problems in China’s current economy is the absence of venture capital or venture capital. This issue is one of the fundamental problems restricting the innovation and development of our country’s high-tech industries. Lack of venture capital or venture capital, which is the government, and high-tech industrial development zone irreplaceable. Because there is no capital market, a great deal of innovation and entrepreneurial motivation can not be supported. Similarly, because of lack of funds, it also restricts the transformation of our traditional industries and structural adjustment. As many experts have pointed out, in the current situation in China, a considerable number of enterprises are reluctant to invest in the early stages of technological innovation and are reluctant to engage in original development. They are even reluctant to engage in secondary development, which in turn Basically restricts the entire product structure, industrial restructuring work. Therefore, in order to realize the fundamental transformation of economic structure and to develop emerging high-tech industries, we must open up the financial market that supports innovation in our country and we must vigorously develop the ventures in our country.