Size Distribution and Anisotropy of the Minor Phase Droplets in Polypropylene/Ethylene-Octene Copoly

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong419
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In this work, polypropylene(PP)/octene-ethylene copolymer(POE) blends were injection-molded using the socalled dynamic packing injection technique, which imposed oscillatory shear on the gradually cooling melt during the packing solidification stage. In this way, the effect of shear on the size distribution and anisotropy of the minor phase droplets could be investigated. Besides, by using two kinds of POE with different octene contents, the effect of component miscibility was also studied. The results show that the droplet size is mainly determined by composition and miscibility, and droplet anisotropy is mainly determined by droplet size and shear. Most importantly, under the same processing condition, droplet anisotropy increases with droplet size, and there seems a linear fit between them, disregarding the miscibility factor. These results may provide guidance for preparing polymer blends with desired properties by tailoring their phase morphologies. In this work, polypropylene (PP) blends were injection-molded using the socalled dynamic packing injection technique, which imposed oscillatory shear on the gradually cooling melt during the packing solidification stage. In this way, the effect of shear on the size distribution and anisotropy of the minor phase droplets could be investigated. The results show that the droplet size is mainly determined by composition and miscibility, and droplet anisotropy is mainly determined by droplet size and shear. Most importantly, under the same processing condition, droplet anisotropy increases with droplet size, and there seems a linear fit between them, disregarding the miscibility factor. These results may provide guidance for preparing polymer blends with desired properties by tailoring their phase morphologies.
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