Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma: A case report

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superxiaoqianqia
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Facial nerve schwannoma occurring within the parotid gland is a rare tumour. We report a case of schwannoma within the parotid gland in a young female patient, who underwent ultrasound and magnetic resonanceimaging(MRI) and subsequent surgical excision of the lesion. The lesion showed hyperintensity on T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI. There was no adjacent lymphadenopathy. Although hyperintensity on diffusionweighted MRI could suggest malignant tumours, the characteristic “string sign” provided the clue for the diagnosis of schwannoma. Facial nerve schwannoma occurring within the parotid gland is a rare tumor. We report a case of schwannoma within the parotid gland in a young female patient, who underwent ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and subsequent surgical excision of the lesion. The lesion showed hyperintensity on T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI. There was no adjacent lymphadenopathy. Although hyperintensity on diffusionweighted MRI could suggest malignant tumors, the characteristic “string sign” provided the clue for the diagnosis of schwannoma.
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