1984年我们对管理较好栗园,以生长结果正常栗树为试材进行了叶成分的分析,并提出生产上较为适用的指标,现总结如下供参考。 一、试材和方法 取样地点为怀柔县三渡河乡(大树)和沙峪乡(小树),均为砂质土,大树园土层厚20—40厘米,无浇水条件。小树园土层深50厘米以上,有水浇条件。
In 1984 we better management of chestnut garden, with the growth of the normal chestnut as the test material for the analysis of leaf composition, and put forward more suitable production indicators, are summarized below for reference. First, the test materials and methods Sampling site for sampling Huairou County Sandu Township (tree) and Shayu Township (tree), are sandy soil, tree garden soil thickness 20-40 cm, no watering conditions. The garden soil more than 50 cm deep, with water conditions.