Distribution of Palygorskite in the Lingtai Profile of Chinese Loess Plateau:Its Paleoclimatic Impli

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyliou
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Palygorskite is a typical indicator mineral of the arid and strong evaporation environment. Distribution of palygorskite in loess-red clay sequences may act as an important indicator for reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate.In this paper,field emission scanning electron microscope and high-resolution transmission electron microscope observations on the red clay-loess-paleosol of the Renjiapo profile at Lingtai,Gansu Province indicate that palygorskite occurs widely in red clay sequences formed before 3.6 Ma,but no occurrence has been found in eolian sediments since 3.2 Ma.Micromorphological features and microstructure of palygorskite show that it is an autogenic mineral formed during pedogenesis,and transformed from illite-montmorillonite under the pore water action.In the Lingtai profile,the disappearance horizon of palygorskite is consistent with those of increasing magnetic susceptibility,dust flux and depositional rate.The distribution of palygorskite in the profile indicates that the interval of around 3.6 Ma was an important transformation period of the East Asian paleomonsoon,when changes took place in the East Asia paleoclimate pattern,i.e.a high-frequency strong fluctuation alternative evolution of the environment. Therefore,palygorskite is a key indicator mineral of the East Asian paleomonsoon evolution of that time. Palygorskite is a typical indicator mineral of the arid and strong evaporation environment. Distribution of palygorskite in loess-red clay sequences may act as an important indicator for reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. In this paper, field emission scanning electron microscope and high-resolution transmission electron microscope observations on the red clay-loess-paleosol of the Renjiapo profile at Lingtai, Gansu Province indicate that palygorskite occurs widely in red clay sequences formed before 3.6 Ma, but no occurrence has been found in eolian sediments since 3.2 Ma. Microromological features and microstructure of palygorskite show that it is an autogenic mineral formed during pedogenesis, and transformed from illite-montmorillonite under the pore water action. the Lingtai profile, the disappearance horizon of palygorskite is consistent with those of increasing magnetic susceptibility, dust flux and depositional rate. the distribution of palygorskite in the prof ile says that the interval of around 3.6 Ma was an important transformation period of the East Asian paleomonsoon, when changes took place in the East Asia paleoclimate pattern, iea high-frequency strong fluctuation alternative evolution of the environment. Thus, palygorskite is a key indicator mineral of the East Asian paleomonsoon evolution of that time.
1989年12月8日,第44届联合国大会通过一项决议,宣布1994年为“国际家庭年”(International Year of the Family),并确定其主题为“家庭:变化世界中的动力与责任——在社会核