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从汕尾健生鲍鱼场养殖水体和九孔鲍肠道中共分离筛选到25株弧菌,其中14株来自成鲍肠道,11株来自养殖水体,并对它们产多种胞外酶的能力进行了比较分析。试验结果表明:78.6%的肠道弧菌能分泌蛋白酶,21.4%能分泌脂肪酶,64.3%能分泌卵磷脂酶或淀粉酶,92.9%能分泌明胶酶;水体中的弧菌63.6%能分泌蛋白酶,54.5%能分泌脂肪酶或明胶酶,72.7%能分泌卵磷脂酶,100%能分泌淀粉酶。同时筛选出5株胞外酶分泌能力超强的菌株,除分泌蛋白酶能力最强的弧菌(Bh14)来自鲍鱼肠道外,其余分泌其它4种胞外酶能力最强者(Sh05、Sh03、Sh11、Sh08)均来自养殖水体。研究还发现来自水体的弧菌分泌多种胞外酶能力强于来自肠道的弧菌。由此提示,应用有益微生物以改善鲍鱼肠道中的菌群结构,可能会提高鲍鱼饲料利用率。 A total of 25 vibrios were screened from the breeding waters of Jiansheng abalone farm in Shanwei and the abalone colonies of nine holes, of which 14 were from the gut of abalone and 11 were from aquaculture water and their ability to produce a variety of extracellular enzymes comparative analysis. The results showed that 78.6% of intestinal Vibrio secreted protease, 21.4% secreted lipase, 64.3% secreted lecithinase or amylase, 92.9% secreted gelatinase, and 63.6% , 54.5% can secrete lipase or gelatinase, 72.7% can secrete lecithinase, 100% can secrete amylase. At the same time, we screened out five strains with extracellular secretions, except that the strongest Vibrio protease secreting bacteria (Bh14) came from the intestinal tract of abalone, and the other secreted the other four extracellular enzymes (Sh05, Sh03, Sh11 , Sh08) are from farming water. The study also found that Vibrio from the body of water secreted more than a variety of extracellular enzymes than intestinal Vibrio. This suggests that the application of beneficial microorganisms to improve the intestinal flora of abalone may increase abalone feed utilization.
目的对比强脉冲光与Q开关532 nm激光治疗面部雀斑的效果及安全性。方法将108例面部雀斑患者按照随机数字法分为研究组和对照组,各54例。研究组采取强脉冲光,对照组采取Q开关5
东风螺(Babyloniasp.)属软体动物的腹足纲、新腹足目、蛾螺科、东风螺属[1-3]。我国的主要经济种类有方斑东风螺(B.areolata)、泥东风螺(B.lutosa)和台湾东风螺(B.form osae)
于华贵栉孔扇贝体内注射了0.1%,0.25%,0.5%3个不同浓度的浒苔多糖后,在24,48,72 h分别测定了华贵栉孔扇贝血淋巴中SOD酶和溶菌酶活力。结果表明:0.1%和0.25%实验组扇贝血淋巴