致力人才培养 提升行业素质

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由于智能建筑是一个跨学科、跨专业、跨行业、多技术融合的行业,且近年来智能建筑技术更新迅速,随着新产品、新概念的层出不穷,人们对智能建筑的需求也朝着务实、实用、个性化方向发展,对从业人员业务和技术水平的要求也越来越高。另外,新编、修编的行业标准规范不断推出,也需要面向从业人员进行宣贯。而行业的培训现状却不容乐观:学校培训注重理论,以致学员动手能力差;社会培训以营利为目的,收费混乱,总之,以上培训鱼龙混杂,难以保障质量。因此,对智能建筑行业从业人员进行专业化的培训迫在眉睫。作为智能建筑行业组织,中国建筑业协会智能建筑专业委员会(以下简称智专委,2009年8月31日后更名为“智能分会”)拥有众多专家及企业的资源优势,其举办的培训致力于从业人员整体业务素质的提升,以工程应用为主线,及时捕捉行业热点,针对性强,并且不以营利为目的,切实为企业减轻负担。智能分会自成立之日起即与有关单位合作面向业内企业、专家及个人举办了大量的培训活动,为智能建筑行业培养了一大批生力军。纵观智能分会所做的培训工作,可以发现包括三方面的内容:工程师资格培训、国家标准规范的宣贯以及行业热点的培训。培训提升了从 As intelligent building is an interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary, cross-industry and multi-technology industry, intelligent building technology has been updated rapidly in recent years. As new products and new concepts emerge in an endless stream, people’s demand for intelligent building is also moving toward a pragmatic, Practical, personalized direction of development, the practitioners of business and technical requirements are also getting higher and higher. In addition, new and revised industry standards continue to be introduced, but also need to be publicized for practitioners. The status quo of the industry training is not optimistic: school training focuses on theory, resulting in poor hands-on ability; social training for profit for the purpose of confusion fees, in short, the above mixed training is difficult to guarantee the quality. Therefore, the professional training of practitioners in the intelligent construction industry is imminent. As the intelligent building industry organization, the China Building Industry Association Intelligent Building Professional Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “IPCC,” renamed as “Intelligent Branch” after August 31, 2009) has the resource advantages of numerous experts and enterprises. Its training is devoted to To enhance the overall quality of employees in business, engineering applications as the main line, in a timely manner to capture the hot industry, targeted, and not for profit for the purpose, and effectively reduce the burden on businesses. Since its founding, the Intelligent Branch has cooperated with relevant agencies to organize a large number of training activities for enterprises, experts and individuals in the industry, and has cultivated a large number of new force for the intelligent building industry. Throughout the intelligent branch of the training done, you can find include three aspects: engineer qualification training, publicizing the national standards and industry hot training. Training improved from
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