
来源 :电气传动自动化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwhc
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对人工神经网络内模控制系统中建立神经网络内部模型和神经网络内模控制器的算法问题进行了深入分析,给出的控制算法方便易行。研究表明,神经网络内模控制可以实现预测控制。仿真分析结果验证了控制算法的有效性。 The internal neural network model and the neural network model controller in the artificial neural network internal model control system are analyzed in detail. The control algorithm is easy and convenient. Research shows that neural network model control can achieve predictive control. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the control algorithm.
This study examined elutriation,attrition,and segregation in a conical spouted bed with a fountain confiner and incorporating an open sided draft tube.Fine sili
The flow characteristics of a dual fluidised bed gasifier (DFBG) are more complex than those of a single fluidised bed gasifier.For stable operation and appropr
In this study,we applied the variational model to fluidization of small spherical particles.Fluidization experiments were carried out for spherical particles wi
为控制水蜜桃酒发酵过程中的乙酸含量,基于单因素试验,进行了发酵工艺响应面优化,并对水蜜桃酒质量进行评价.结果表明,最佳发酵工艺为:起始糖量180 g/L,SO2添加量72 mg/L,发
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目的:  瘦素、脂联素对人体的脂类和骨骼代谢代发挥重要的调节作用。本文拟研究血清瘦素、脂联素和血脂代谢与股骨头坏死疾病之间的关系,为非创伤性股骨头坏死提供治疗和预防
The discharge behavior of particles is important in many industrial applications,such as in the core of a pebble bed reactor,which uses a hopper bed filled with