Assessment of Benchmark Dose in BEAS-2B Cells by Evaluating the Cell Relative Viability with Particu

来源 :生物医学与环境科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hasolao
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Objective This study aimed to use an air–liquid interface (ALI) exposure system to simulate the inhalation exposure of motorcycle exhaust particulates (MEPs) and then investigate the benchmark dose (BMD) of MEPs by evaluating cell relative viability (CRV) in lung epithelial BEAS-2B cells. Methods The MEPs dose was characterized by measuring the number concentration (NC), surface area concentration (SAC), and mass concentration (MC). BEAS-2B cells were exposed to MEPs at different concentrations via ALI and CRV was determined using Cell Counting Kit (CCK-8) assay. BMD software was applied to calculate BMD and the lower limit of benchmark dose (BMDL) according to Akaike Information Coefficient (AIC), with P-value based on Hill, Linear, Polynomial, and Power model. Results Our results reveal that BMD of NC and SAC were estimated by the best-fitting Hill model, while MC was estimated by Polynomial model. The BMDL for CRV following ALI exposure to MEPs were as follows: 364.2#/cm3 for NC; 0.662 × 107 nm2/cm3 for SAC; and 0.278 μg/m3 for MC. Conclusion These results indicate that MEPs exposure via ALI system induces a dose-dependent decrease of CRV and provides the potential exposure threshold of MEPs in a lung cell model.
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