As telecom operators and Internet operators continue to enter the video and television services area, cable operators are under pressure to provide users with more and more programs and content, many of which may be long-tailed, unpopular Content. However, network frequency resources are expensive and rare, so there is a need for better solutions to balance this supply-demand relationship. Compared with traditional radio and television (video) services, switched broadcast services can provide more broadcast programs with less bandwidth. In theory, a typical 750MHz cable television network could provide subscribers with more than a thousand broadcast digital programs, compared to only offering hundreds of subscribers if using conventional broadcast technology. Switching broadcast services require more investment than traditional broadcast services because it requires additional QAM modulator hardware, a real-time bidirectional network, and interactive devices with additional software such as set-top boxes Wait). The deployment of switched broadcast services is economically significant only if the system’s inputs are able to be balanced by the newly added revenues. The new operating revenue from switching broadcast services is either gained by adding new programs or by making full use of the savings in bandwidth.