Rare earth metals Industrialization base constructed in Changsha

来源 :China Rare Earth Information | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yht52119
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With total investment of RMB$500 million,a rare earth metals industrialization base was constructed in Longping Hi-Tech Park of Changsha.Total income of technology, industry and trade approached RMB$3.48 billion during January to April of 2008 in Longping Hi-Tech Park,and the total industrial output value reached RMB$3.235 billion,up With total investment of RMB $ 500 million, a rare earth metals industrialization base was constructed in Longping Hi-Tech Park of Changsha. Total income of technology, industry and trade approached RMB $ 3.48 billion during January to April of 2008 in Longping Hi-Tech Park, and the total industrial output value reached RMB $ 3.235 billion, up
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