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近几年,儿童精神病发病率呈上升趋势,其中以心因因素导致精神障碍为甚。以我院的一个病区为例:1991年病人总数为261人,其中16岁以下儿童24人,占总数的9.19%,心因因素导致精神障碍患者5人,占儿童精神病患者的20.83%;1992年病人总数330人,其中儿童患者33人,占总数的10%,儿童心因因素导致精神障碍的患者9人,占儿童患者的27.27%。从统计数字上可看出,儿童患病率在增高,心因因素导致的精神障碍发病率的增高则更为突出。 根据对病历的分析,发病因素是多方面的,但心理因素在这里起主导作用。此类心理因素可归纳为两个方面。一是得不到家庭温暖,孩子的心灵长期受到不良刺激而发病。这类现象多见于离婚家庭,父母视孩子为包袱,象皮球一样踢来踢去。这些孩子主要表现为害怕、焦虑、撒谎、欺骗。有这样一个小女孩, In recent years, the incidence of psychiatric children is on the rise, with psychiatric factors leading to mental disorders. Taking a ward in our hospital as an example, a total of 261 patients were enrolled in 1991, of whom 24 were children under 16 years of age, accounting for 9.19% of the total. Psychological factors led to 5 mental disorders, accounting for 20.83% of children with mental disorders. In 1992, the total number of patients was 330, of which 33 were children, accounting for 10% of the total. Nine children with mental disorders caused by psychosocial factors accounted for 27.27% of children. As can be seen from the statistics, the prevalence of children is on the rise, and the increase in the incidence of mental disorders caused by psychosocial factors is even more prominent. According to the analysis of medical records, the incidence of many factors, but psychological factors play a leading role here. Such psychological factors can be summarized in two aspects. First, no family warmth, the child’s heart has long been adverse stimuli and disease. Such phenomena are more common in divorced families, parents as children’s baggage, kicked and kicked like a ball. These children mainly showed fear, anxiety, lying, cheating. There is such a little girl,
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爱情这回事,合合分分,聚散无常。同是有情人,有时面对感情的破裂或意外的压力,却不得不选择分手这条路。虽然两个人已各奔东西,但往日的那份柔情却常留心底,时不时勾起伤心的回忆。但是,这就命已注定了吗?其实不然,既然世间上有许多人离婚又复婚,那么,已经分开的一对恋人,某一方突然回心转意再次出现在昔日恋人的面前,这种可能性也非常之大。或者,纯属机缘巧合,两个人再次出现在彼此的视野中。   假如你遇到这种情
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