2001年以来,咸宁市公安局结合自身实际,积极探索新形势下公安经费保障新思路,积极改革财务管理体制,实行财会统一集中核算,严格执行“收支两条线”和经费归口管理,有力地提高了资金的使用效益。 1、加强领导,引入现代理财理念。近两年来,市局党组多次召开专题会议,研究装备财务管理工作。每半年听取一次
Since 2001, Xianning Public Security Bureau, in light of its own reality, has actively explored new ways of ensuring funds for public security under the new situation and has actively reformed the financial management system and unified centralized accounting in the financial accounting system. It strictly implemented “two lines of revenues and expenditures” and the centralized management of funds , Effectively improve the efficiency of the use of funds. 1, strengthen leadership, the introduction of modern financial management concept. In the past two years, the Municipal Party Committee and Party Group held many special meetings to study the equipment financial management. Listen every six months