地处我国东北边陲的黑龙江虎林县,有个虎头镇。登上虎头镇东山顶,极目远眺,沟壑曲折,林深叶茂,真是好山好幽静。可是有谁能想到,这个于清雍正五年(1727年)才见于史册的弹丸之地,却由于它与前苏联伊曼市一江之隔的险要地势,而在第二次世界大战中煊赫一时。 1937年至1943年的虎林县,全县仅日籍人已有4619人,全县总人口达到31598人,其中不包括数以万计的劳工和上万日军及家属。当时的虎头除朝鲜、中国妓院外,仅日本妓院就有八家之多,歌妓院一处,军妓慰安所一处。每逢星期日,虎头镇上到处都
Is located in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Hulin County, there is a tiger town. Mount tiger head town east hill top, overlooking, gully twists and turns, deep forest leaf, really good mountain quiet. But who can think of this in the five years of the Qing Emperor Yongzheng (1727) was found in the history of the projectile land, but because of it and the former Soviet Union Iman City, a river across the terrain, and in the Second World War A moment. From 1937 to 1943 Hulin County, the county has only 4,619 Japanese nationals, the county’s total population of 31,598 people, not including tens of thousands of workers and tens of thousands of Japanese troops and their families. At that time, except for North Korea and China’s brothels, there were only eight Japanese brothels, one for brothels, and one for military prostitutes. Every Sunday, tiger town everywhere