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自1991年以来美国经济呈现快速增长势头,年均增长率高居3-4%,失业率下降到仅为4.2%左右,通胀率降低到1.5%的超低水平,到2000年2月经济持续增长超过106个月。新的经济现象引出了一系列经济学新问题,各派围绕这些问题各抒己见,莫衷一是。主要争论的问题可以归纳为以下几点: 一、新经济是否已经到来,经济周期是否依然存在。针对上述经济现象,一些美国学者提出:美国已进入新经济时代。美国《商业周刊》主编斯蒂芬谢波德这样界定“新经济”的特征:实际GDP大幅增长,公司运营利润上升,失业率低,通胀率低,进出口之和占GDP的比例上升,经济增长中高科技的贡献率上升。如果谢波德的定义仅限于表层次的经济指 The U.S. economy has enjoyed rapid growth since 1991, with an average annual growth rate of 3-4%, an unemployment rate of 4.2% and an inflation rate of 1.5%. By February 2000, the economy continued to grow More than 106 months. The new economic phenomenon has led to a series of new economic problems. Various factions express their own opinions on these issues. The main issues of debate can be summarized as follows: First, whether the new economy has come and whether the economic cycle still exists. In response to the above economic phenomenon, some American scholars have proposed that the United States has entered a new economic era. The definition of “new economy” by the editor in chief of Business Week Magazine in the United States is that the real GDP has risen sharply, the operating profit of the company has risen, the unemployment rate has been low, the inflation rate has been low, the ratio of imports and exports to GDP has risen, The contribution rate of science and technology has risen. If Shepard’s definition is limited to the surface level of economic means
An Outpatient Department is the first point of contact with the hospital, and good Doctor-Patient communication would improve the service quality of the hospita
提高国民素质是我国 21世纪发展战略中的重大的问题。鸦片战争以前中国鲜有理科知识分子。生产力不发达,手工技艺没有地位。与西方接触学到了机械,但却被视作“奇技淫巧”。现
一、西部大开发的产业重点和空间布局从产业角度说 ,西部开发的战略重点是基础产业和基础设施。加强西部铁路、公路、水利、水电、市政设施、国土整治和高等院校建设的投资 ,
中国西部大开发与西部资源环境研讨会于 2 0 0 0年 7月 1 2日至 1 4日在西宁市召开。本次会议由中国地理学会干旱半干旱区地理建设委员会主办 ,青海师范大学、中国科学院盐湖
例1男,50岁。患者因服吲哚美辛后全身发痒,出现散在斑丘疹而就诊。停药7 d后瘙痒好转,皮疹渐退。自服阿司咪唑10 mg,6 h后下嘴唇严重肿胀,出现黄豆大小水泡数个,剧痛不能闭嘴
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The study was designed to observe the effects of long term treatment with candesartan cilexetil (candesartan) on blood pressure (BP), blood pressure variabilit