Structure and regeneration status of Komto Afromontane moist forest, East Wollega Zone, west Ethiopi

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnason1111
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We conducted a study in Komto Forest in East Wollega Zone, Oromia National Regional State, West Ethiopia for determining vegetation structure and regeneration status in this forest. We systematically sampled 53 quadrats (20 m × 20 m) along line transects radiating from the peak of Komto Mountain in eight directions. Vegetation parameters such as DBH, height, seedling and sapling density of woody species, and location and altitude of each quadrat were recorded. In total, 103 woody plant species of 87 genera and 45 families were identified. Analysis of selected tree species revealed different population structures. Generally, the forest was dominated by small trees and shrubs characteristic of secondary regeneration. Observations on the regeneration of the forest indicated that there are woody species that require urgent conservation measures. Based on the results of this study, we recommend detailed ecological studies of various environmental factors such as soil type and properties, and ethnobotanical studies to explore indigenous knowledge on uses of plants. We conducted a study in Komto Forest in East Wollega Zone, Oromia National Regional State, West Ethiopia for defining vegetation structure and regeneration status in this forest. We systematically sampled 53 quadrats (20 m × 20 m) along line transects radiating from the peak of Komto Mountain in eight directions. Vegetation parameters such as DBH, height, seedling and sapling density of woody species, and location and altitude of each quadrat were recorded. In total, 103 woody plant species of 87 genera and 45 families were identified. Analysis of selected tree species revealed different population structures. Generally, the forest was dominated by small trees and shrubs characteristic of secondary regeneration. Observations on the regeneration of the forest that there are woody species that require urgent conservation measures. Based on the results of this study , we recommend detailed ecological studies of various environmental factors such as soil type and properties, a nd ethnobotanical studies to explore indigenous knowledge on uses of plants.
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